Find It

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 Arkin followed them to room 815 in the ER and it led him to where his grandfather has being kept.

 Once he had seen that his grandfather was there, he visually relaxed.

 The doctor opened the door for them. "Just a head's up, he's just woken up and he's on a heavy dose of pain medicine so he might be a little out of it still."

 We nod and walk inside the room.

 My grandfather had multiple IV's hooked up to him, as well as bandages across his forehead, covering his right eye, his right arm and his left leg.

 I gulped. "Um...grandpa? It's me, Arkin. Are you alright?"

 Arkin's grandfather's eye slowly fluttered open. He smiled at the sight of his grandson. "Arkin. You've come. I knew that you would."

 "Of course I would. Why wouldn't I?", he asked.

 His grandfather shrugged slightly. "Well, in the past couple of years, you've been visiting your friends more than me."

 That hit Arkin like a bullet to the heart. "I'm sorry, grandpa."

 "No, no. You don't need to apologize. It's normal for people your age to do that."

 Arkin had to refuse the urge to cry. 

 "You are alright, are you?", Arkin's mother asked, concerned.

 Arkin's grandfather winced at the pain in his leg. "As well as I can be now at least", and he chuckled a little.

 "Grandpa", Arkin said, "I still am sorry. How did this even happen to you?"

 His grandfather's smile disappeared and he looked Arkin in the eyes. "Would you believe me if I told you?"

 Arkin raised a brow in confusion and looked at Josh, who, in return, gave the same confused look back. "Of course I would. Why wouldn't I?"

 His grandfather looked around a bit before asking, "Could I have a moment with my grandson, please?"

 Arkin's mother perked up. "Oh, yes! Of course. I hope you get better soon, father."

 "Hope you get better too, Ab", Marcus said.

 "We'll see ya later", Josh said, giving one last look to Arkin before he left.

 Once they were alone, Arkin's grandfather asked, "Do you promise me that you'll believe me?"

 Arkin hesitated. "Every word?"

 His grandfather nodded. "Every word."

 Hesitantly, Arkin nodded. "Yeah. I promise."

 His grandfather closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then reopened them and looked Arkin in the eyes. "I was attacked."

 Arkin's eyes widened. "You were ATTACKED?!"

 His grandfather nodded.

 "By who?!", Arkin asked, fearfully and concerned.

 "Not by who, but by what", his grandfather said.

 Arkin raised a brow in confusion. "What'd you mean?"

 "I was a dragon", his grandfather said.

 Arkin looked at him for a moment and blinked, then sighed. "Grandpa, I think you didn't take your medications today. You must've been hallucinating."

 His grandfather sighed. " promised that you would believe me."

 "Oh, I believe you alright. I believe that you were hallucinating", Arkin said, angrily.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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