Grown Up

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 Arkin was walking home with his four friends whenever he got a phone call.

 "Oh, is that your mommy, Ark?", one of his friends asked, "better answer it."

 "Shut up, dude", he said and answered, "Yeah, mom?"

 "Arkin! Something's happened to your grandfather!", she said, frantically.

 Arkin's eyes widened. "Really?! What happened?!"

 His friends grew serious. "Dude, Ark, what's goin on?"

 "Your grandfather's been sent to the hospital. He has multiple injuries to the head and he has three degree burns on his back. The fire department rescued him from his house", his mom continued to explain.

 "Oh Gods", then he turned towards his friends, "my grandfather's been taken to the hospital. He's hurt really bad."

 "Do you need a lift, dude? I can take you there", one of his friends offered.

 Arkin nodded. "Thanks, Josh."

 "Let's go!", Josh said.

He and Josh booked it to the hospital and ran towards the E.R where they were stopped by a guard.

 "Nobody's allowed into the emergency room unless you have a good reason", the guard stated.

 "My grandfather's back there! He got sent to the E.R because he had three degree burns and head injuries. I need to see him! I've got to make sure he's okay!", Arkin said, frantically.

 "I'm sorry, kid, but you'll have to wait until the doctor comes back", the guard said with a sigh.

 "Ooookay. And when exactly, if I may ask, is that going to be?", Arkin asked.

 "I don't know, kid! I don't own this hospital! Just wait in the waiting room!", the guard said.

 Arkin huffed and went with Josh back to the waiting room.

 Arkin leaned back into the chair and sighed heavily. Josh looked at him, concerned. "I know that this is bullshit and all, but it won't be that long from now, Ark. You'll see."

 Arkin didn't respond. He had his eyes closed and started mumbling under his breath. "Odin, help us."

 Josh sighed and sat next to him. "Dude...we'll need more than Odin's help with this...especially if you would've tried to fight that guard to get through. He'd break you like a toothpick. You're nothing compared to him, dude."

 Arkin sighed. "Thank you for summing that up."

 "He would though! You can't deny it! You acted like you were gonna fight him back there when you and I both know that you suck in gym class!", Josh said, laughing.

 "Ha ha, very funny, Josh. I have this knowledge already, why do you remind me?", Arkin asked.

 "Juuuust in case you happen to forget", Josh said, chuckling.

 Arkin gave him a look. "Like you would ever  let that happen."

 Josh laughed loudly. 

 At that moment, Arkin's mother came in through the double doors of the hospital. Spotting Arkin, she ran over to him. "You got here before we did. Have you seen your grandfather yet? Is he all right?"

 Arkin shook his head. "No. The guard at the door wouldn't let us."

 "Well, why not?", she asked, angrily.

 Arkin shrugged. "I don't know. He just told us that we have to wait in here until the doctor comes back."

 His mother shook her head in anger. "The nerve of some people, I swear...We have Viking heritage in our blood I'll have you know and we don't just sit here and wait for anything."

 Arkin sighed. "Mom....", and watched helplessly as she walked past him towards the guard.

 Josh leaned towards him and whispered, "You know that she's gonna do it, Ark. She's been doing it for years now."

 Arkin sighed. "I know, Josh. I should have expected it."

 They both heard the door open again and looked to see who had come in.

 It was Marcus, Ian and Nicholas, his other three friends, and they all ran towards them.

 "Dude", Marcus said, "is your grandpa okay?"

Arkin shrugged. "We don't know. The guard won't let us back to see him."

Ian raised a brow. "Dude, is that your mom I hear back there? It sounds like she's really mad."

"Oh, believe me, she's more than just mad", he began, "she's furious."

His friends winced and he nodded.

"We deserve to be back there with him", his mother said, still yelling at the guard, "he's my father and my son and I need to see him."

"Look lady", the guard began, "I'm not in charge here. I don't make the rules, I follow them. And the rules say that I'm not supposed to let you back unless the doctors say so."

 There was a beep sound and the doors to the E.R opened, revealing a short man with white hair and a lab coat. "Roger", he said, "why must you make such a fuss with our patients's family members in the lobby? Think about if it were YOUR family member was back here and there was a grumpy guard in YOUR way. How would that make YOU feel?"

 The guard stuttered. "B-but they w-were th-the ones who star-started it!"

 The man held his hand up to him, silencing the guard. "Don't waste your breath. You need that to survive."

 The guard stepped aside and stood near the wall, ashamed.

 The man turned his attention to Arkin's mother and smiled. "Excuse our guard, Roger. Sometimes he takes his job a little too seriously. May I help you in any way?"

 Arkin's mother sighed of relief. "Yes. We're looking for my father,  Abraham Aland. He was in some accident of some sort and we, meaning my son, his friends and I, need to know if he's okay or not."

 The doctor nodded. "Ah, I see. The man who suffered three degree burns and head injuries earlier today?"

 "Yes! That's him!, his mother said, relieved. 

 "Of course. I'll show you, your son and his friends where he is. Come with me if you would."

 Arkin and Josh both got up at the same time and followed his mother and the doctor through the double doors of the hospital into the E.R. Ian, Marcus and Nicholas followed.

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