Tourchering travel with a child

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The next day I woke to the most adorable yet some how sexy sight of Peter. His black shirt rode up in his sleep showing off his small yet muscular body and perfect v line, I quickly realized how close our body's were. I drank in the sight non the less enjoying and burning this sight into my memory.
   I had fallen back asleep for a wile and when I woke, I was surrounded by the three all watching me sleep. As I lay there I open my eyes just enough that they couldn't tell I was awake. with Julian on the left of me, Lillian on the right of me, and Peter was sat at my feet perched on his knees with his hands resting on the ground in front of him. " are you guys going to sacrifice me to a nonexistent deity or something?" I ask not opening my eyes and smirking at the audible gasp I got from the boy at my feet.

Peter's POV
He caught us watching him but we couldn't help it... I couldn't help it, the twins just kind of started doing after I did. He looked so at peace when he slept, and my wolf was so fascinated by him. " are you guys going to sacrifice me to a nonexistent deity or something?" He asks jokingly, there was a sudden gasp herd throughout the room, and it may have been mine but I didn't pay much mind to it. I was paying attention to his voice, it was so deep and gravely that it caught me off guard. In a moment I was back to reality. "a-alright are we ready to go?" I ask cursing my voice for cracking, I see a smirk pull at Tony's lips as he looks at me and I feel my ears and neck start to heat up.
Lazy time skip (only like fifteen minutes of Corralling the pups)
We're all standing outside of the cabin in a line with tony standing facing us " alright kids this is going to be a long journey back to my pack, and I don't want to hear any complaints, got it?" He says seriously and I can't help but let out a chuckle " you've never traveled with five year olds have you?" He looks confused for a moment but then Lillian provided the context he needed " I gotta go pee pee!" I can't help but to break into full on laughter when I looked up at his face and he looks so exasperated, " we literally just left two seconds ago, we are standing outside the cabin right now?!" He asked incredulously " I didn't have to potty then!" She snapped back.
Five minute pee intermission
"Alright now are we ready?" He asked exasperatedly "WAIT!" I yell wanting to see his reaction "what?" He sighs out pressing his thumb and forefinger to his temples, "ohhhh nothing" I drag out putting on my most innocent face " I just wanted to make you suffer" I say smiling innocently at him, enjoying the smile I got in return.

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