That boy

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  I woke up with my stomach growling I'm sooo hungry, wait this isn't the cabin, where is alpha- I mean tony hmm that's weird, wait there are the pups. The last thing I remember is alpha- gosh darn I mean Tony and I messing about on the mountain. My thought proses was interrupted by a smell "food" I say with my eyes closed "ya nice to see you to kid" tony says with a smile, " sorry da- Tony, I'm sorry can I have the food now" I ask flustered, why does my mind hate me so much. I look up to see him smirking oh crap oh shit he heard That didn't he.


What did he just call me. No bad tony this kid is on probably one of his first heats and is not used to supressers ( supressers are like a really strong birth control that also masks your scent so alphas can be around you with out losing self preservation) I handed him the deer leg and he just bit right through it. Nat walked in as Peter was finishes his food, I pulled her aside " do you still smell that?" I ask concerned that his medication wasn't working " smell what" she asked confused " the fruity smell, I think it's Peters scent but I'm still smelling it really strong" she looked concerned for a moment almost like she wanted to tell me something but she didn't " don't worry Tony no one can smell it I think it's just your imagination" she says I don't believe her but I don't pry.

Peter needed a nap so fifteen minute nap time ( I definitely did not fall asleep wile writing)

   Nock nock Steve says walking into the ward with two very rowdy toddlers at his side he seemed surprised when I opened my arms and scooped Julian and Lillian up in a bear hug . After an hour of Steve berating them with questions he pulls me aside " I think he'll be good for the pack" Steve says " oh, thank you" I say nonchalantly even though I wanted to scream.

" I think he'll be good for the pack" I say gaging his reaction " oh, thank you" he says very uncaringly, what a loveable dork he is, apparently he doesn't realize that I know him well enough to see threw this bull crap, he's so excited. " wile their here I need you to keep an eye on them just until we know we can trust them, maybe can they stay in your den, just for a little wile" he looked a little happy and then I heard something I was not expecting " alpha I want cuddles" and then tony just turned around and walked over to Peter without a second thought. " Well I'll be on my way and leave you alone, and I can take the kids if you want." I ask knowing the kids we're gonna come with me to go see Nat. " ya please, Peter need a little sleep for right now" tony spoke first catching me off guard. This is leaving me with more questions then I was answers. But the one thing I'm sure of is... that boy is good for him, and he needs that boy.

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