Chapter 16

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One cry.

Two cries.

My babies, they're here!

"You've got two absolutely beautiful baby boys. Congratulations Yuuka." Nanami smiled as she handed me my two children. I faintly grinned and brought them close to me.

They were both little miracles to me. As early as they came they were both perfectly healthy and didn't seem to have an health issues. They both had all ten fingers and toes.

"Hey my little men...Mommy loves you." I whispered giving each of them a kiss on the top of their heads.

After twelve hours of labor my little boys were born. The smallest one weighted 4.5 lbs and he was the oldest, born ten minutes before his younger and much larger brother; I named him Kaito. I welcomed my little big man ten minutes after, he weighed 7.8 lbs; his name is Kuro.

The both of them had the looks of Sasuke. It looked like I had planned no role in the making of my precious children. It was when you see their eyes that you can see that I had a part. Their eyes were blood red, the only indication that they had the blood of my clan. It could've also come from the Uchiha clan however their eyes were only that way when the used the sharringgun.

The only thing missing from this moment was Sasuke. He had yet to return to Nanami's home since he left the night before.

But it was his loss.

"She's in there..." Nanami's hushed voice sounded from the outside of the makeshift hospital room.

"You didn't wait for me."

"Sasuke, you can't really stop them from being born. It doesn't work like that." I replied, as he walked over to the three of us.

Carefully he picked up Kaito and kept a neutral expression.

"That's Kaito, he's the oldest and this is Kuro, the biggest little baby." Sasuke studied Kaito for a minute until he gave a little smile.

"He's small. Really small." I smiled at him and quietly

"He's just a baby, a 4.5 pound baby." I whispered as he gave Kaito back to me and he took Kuro into his arms. "Support his head."

"They seem so fragile."

"That's because they are."


I smiled at him and maneuvered Kaito around in my arms until I found a more comfortable position. Sasuke stood next to the bed for a while until Nanami came in and told him someone was here to see him. She had looked very alarmed and even brought the kids into the room.

I feed both of my boys and they were generally very quiet which was shocking because Nanami’s children when they were born were both very loud. They still are too.

“He’ll be a great Dad.” Nanami whispered to me, and I nodded my head absent mindedly as I stared at Kaito in his little crib.

“I hope so.”

“Itachi was…and if Sasuke is anything like Itachi then he’ll be good Dad.” I was still timid to respond to that comment. I hoped deep in my soul that he would be but I had this feeling that whatever he was into was too much for anyone to get out of.

Kuro let out a little whine and I forgot about my worries for the moment as I sat with my children around me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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When you told me you loved me....did you really mean it?(A sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now