Chapter 2 - School and the Playboy

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Gazelle's P.O.V:

My alarm went off at 7:00 am and I snoozed it for 30 minutes (Yep i'm that lazy), all I could have think was, what if I will never fit into Rosewood College. What if they will bully me and hit, kick and call me names, but I went into a quick nap and suddenly my alarm goes off at 7:30 am and I dismissed it and stood up and went to the kitchen and made me some tea with corn flakes. After I was done with my breakfast, I went to my room to change into some clothes. I love Rosewood College, because there is no formal school attire. My previous school was Winston College where there was a formal school attire, I hated the clothes; they were plain and stupid (NO COLOUR WAS ON THE SCHOOL'S LOGO). But I'm glad for Rosewood College.

When I arrived at the college, everything looked old and traditional and I loved that from a school. After the bell rang for school, I went inside and out of the blue I bump into someone. "Ow?", "Here, let me help you:, I hear a voice that sounded deep and I started to like that voice. The voice rings a bell like I knew that voice, but I don't. I got lifted by a hand and see beautiful ocean blue eyes that are staring into my hazel eyes, 'ok it's getting weird'.

He checked my face to make sure I didn't get injured, "Hey, I'm Connor by the way"; "Hey I'm-" School bell rang when I wanted to say my name to Connor, what is wrong with me and everywhere I go.

Connor took me to the receptionist and waited with me to get my schedule of my subjects; yeah I took Busisness Studies, Computers, Tourism and Music. Then there comes a young lady ,looks like she is in the 30 or 40's. Walking up to Connor.

"Well, well if it isn't Connor, what are you doing here" she said with that face trying to tell you that you have explaining to do. "Well Miss Jenkins, I thought that I had to bring the new student here, so that she wouldn't get lost"

"Oh really Mr. Knight, You use that excuse every time, hm, don't you" She said with her arms crossed and she still had that look on her face.

I was fuming inside of my body, oh he uses that excuse for every lady he brings to this place; ugh; I waited for my schedule and Mrs. Jenkins gave it to me and I said my thanks and left, not wanted to talk to him. I HATE PLAYBOYS!

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