INTRO/ CHAPTER ONE = Breakfast =

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After One Direction announced that they were splitting up in the year 2017, Harry and Louis revealed that they indeed were dating. Most of One Direction's fans have grown old and their fan base had shrunk greatly, but none of the One Direction lads cared too much. They were all in their early stages of adult hood and way past ready to settle down and start a family, and that's exactly what Harry and Louis did.

A year after the band split up the happy couple got married and adopted their first child, Analise.

After two years of having Analise, they both decided to adopt another kid.. or two. The even happier couple adopted twins! Fraternal twins to be exact, Matthew and Sky.


= Harry = Harry was now 29, his hair was still long and shaggy, but trimmed from time to time with Louis' request.. or constant nagging. He had let his stubble grow out a little bit but not enough to classify as a beard, Louis had declared that he would be the only one that was allowed to have a beard in the family and Harry was okay with that. Harry is the man (sort of?) of the house and makes all the rules.. but he isn't the best at enforcing them. Like he was in his One Direction years, Harry is still a total sweetheart and if you give him even the slightest pout of the lip, he'll let your punishment slide. 

= Louis = Louis was now 31, his hair wasn't long but it didn't pass his ears. He had let his beard grow a bit and had a bit of a mustache now. Now that he had been away from management for quite a while he had been able to let his sass out to it's full content. Louis takes no foolishness, if one of his babies deserves a punishment, he sure as hell will deliver it. And even though his hands are small and petite, they hurt. 

=Analise= Analise is 6 now and looks exactly like Harry, even though she's adopted. Her eyes sparkle the same emerald green and her brown hair curls the same way as Harry's. But the six years of living with Louis had rubbed off on her and she is the sassiest of the three kids. She definitely gets in the most trouble but gets out of a lot of punishments by using her famous puppy dog eyes on Harry. 

= Matthew = Matt is now 4 and the absolute sweetheart of the kids. He's the one that gets in the least amount of trouble and tries his best to avoid it at all costs. The six year old does what he's told and always stays by his dad's side to stay out of the mischief that both of his sisters cause. He has bright blonde hair like his sister and blue eyes like Louis.

= Sky = Sky is also 4 and trying to be exactly like her older sister which means a loooot of sass. But at her young age, Louis thinks it's absolutely precious. Sky is good for the most part but when she is with Analise (which is often) they always find a way to get in trouble.. and drag Matthew into it. She has hair a little darker then Matt's and brown eyes. 


         Louis groaned and rolled over, smacking his hand down hard on top of the alarm clock as it beeped loudly, the obnoxious noise bouncing off the maroon walls of his bedroom. The sleepy lad slowly sat up and smiled, seeing his husband still asleep, snoring away. He pressed a gently kiss to the side of his head before sliding on his dark green slippers and slowly making his way down the hall to wake his children. 

        Louis slowly pushed the door to Analise's room open and walked in, nearly tripping over the large pile of barbies that she had laying on the floor. His jaw clenched slightly as he pushed the pile to the side with his foot, murmuring curse words along with it as he did. He looked at Analise and raised his eyebrows, seeing that she had a few barbies in the bed with her. Louis raised his hand up a bit and slapped it down on the young girl's bum, watching as her eyes shot open and her small hands reached back to cover her rear end.

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