Truth or Lies

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Sierra pauses the video on the smart board. A man by the door flicks the lights on. The conference room is full of people sitting around the conference table.

Timothy : What's her name?

SIERRA : Zhavia Ward, I can be able to strike a deal with and sign her to the label, if Timothy approves of it.

TIMOTHY : Get her here, the artist around here are getting really lazy. Maybe having her here will heat up the competition.

Timothy get's up out of his seat and leaves the room. Iris, who is Timothy's little sister walks up to him.

IRIS : Tim, hey can I talk to you?

TIMOTHY : About? And it better be quick because I don't have a lot of time right now.

IRIS : I was thinking about making music.

TIMOTHY : Not this again.

IRIS : I'm good at it. I can rap circles around these artist now a days and I can sing a little bit.

TIMOTHY : I told you what it was from the beginning. You're Sierra's assistant and that's all you'll ever be. I don't want you in the music business now this is the last I want to hear about this. So do your job and assist.

Timothy walks away.



Ocean and Olivia are just finishing up a photo shoot. Heaven is at the shoot making sure everything is in order.

 Heaven is at the shoot making sure everything is in order

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HEAVEN : You guys did that.

OCEAN : I mean that's what we do.

HEAVEN : Well you guys are going to need to go harder each time. I signed you guys to The Golden Heart Modeling Industry because I this is my opportunity to not only show what you are made of but to show what I am made of as C.E.O.

OLIVIA : Well we did good today, so people should take you serious.

HEAVEN : Hopefully, I didn't bust my ass to get this position for nothing.

OCEAN : Okay well, we're gonna go now.

OLIVIA : Yeahhhh

HEAVEN : Yeah, you guys go do that. I'll make sure everything is cleaned up.

Olivia and Ocean walk away.

Heaven's phone rings, she answers it.


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