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"I cannot for the life of me, understand why you can't follow simple directions!"

Mallory rushed between the kitchen and dining room, carrying serving dishes filled with food and setting the table with her better set of dishes and silverware. She had worked all morning on Ted's campaign--setting up meetings, checking on his advertisement team, and following up with promised donors. Tonia was little help, other than keeping her on track. Her afternoon was a blur, and before she realized, it was well after four and she hadn't prepped anything for dinner. This wouldn't have been a problem if she didn't have guests coming over: an investor with his wife and Gwendoline with William. They were scheduled to arrive at six: it was only moments before.

"What do you mean?" Ted called back.

"What do I mean," she deadpanned,  straightening napkins. "I asked you four times to set the table, yet here I am, doing it!"

"You also told me to vacuum and dust the living room."

"Can you not multitask?"

"How well is it going for you?"

Pink lips curled. "And how well will sleeping on the couch go for you?"

The man had the gull to laugh, hearty and loud. Blue eyes rolled in response, annoyance flaring but tampering it down as best as possible.

Ignoring her pain in the ass, she went back to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of red and white, unsure of her guests' preference, and set them out. Ringing her hands together, she slowly went through her mental checklist, but was interrupted by the knocking on the front door.

"Honey!" She screeched.

"I got it."

Soon enough, the couples went through pleasantries and compliments, and were sat around the table, dining and wining. Mallory smiled fondly to herself, eyes roaming the table and soaking in Ted's dazzling smile, Frank's humor, Christina's cherub face, Gwen's sharp laugh, and William's sweet disposition. The night was going well, perhaps perfectly. She imagined more evenings like this—light conversation over wine, double date nights at nice restaurants, bowling on a Thursday night.

"--and right there, he dropped Anderson in favor of supporting me." Ted declared, pride radiating off of him in thick waves.

Mallory, halfheartedly paying attention, hummed while the men went back and forth about the newest investor. She swirled her wine in her glass, what was left of it anyways, and finished it off, placing it back on the table. Casually shifting in her chair, she failed to notice Gwendoline refilling her glass and offering it, and elbowed the arm serving her. Red washed over Mallory, cheeks burning and blouse staining quickly.

"I'm so sorry!" Gwen exclaimed.

The brunette stood from her chair abruptly, grabbing the nearest napkin and dabbing at her clothes. "It was my fault," she murmured, trying her best to blot out the stain before it started to set. "I'm just going to go change--I'll be right back."

"I'll join you," was called behind her as she rushed to her bedroom.

The stained blouse was unbuttoned by hurried hands, and carried to the en-suite. It was dropped in the sink, cold water falling from the faucet and filling the bowl. Mallory sighed, hoping the water prolonged the stain until she did laundry tonight.

She turned out the light, returning to her bedroom to find Gwen perched on her bed, a picture frame between long fingers. A smile tugged at her lips as she recalled the memory—family pictures with her husband, sister and brother-in-law, and nephew. They had bought coordinating outfits, following a basic color scheme of navy, red, and white per Mallory's suggestion. It was rather quick and painless, even with a toddler.

"You have a beautiful family, Mallory," Gwendoline chirped, flashing a wide smile.

The brunette became more aware of her exposure as an air of embarrassment hit her. She was confident in herself, sure, but modesty and confidence were not the same thing. Sucking her stomach in slightly, Mallory turned to her closet, sliding hangers across the metal rod in search of a decent shirt.

"Thank you," she murmured and fingered the fringe on a black blouse before taking it out and sliding her arms in. "They were holiday photos."

"That much I can assume if the Christmas tree in the background is any indication," the blonde sassed, her voice much closer.

Mallory glanced down at the buttons on her shirt, starting from the bottom and moving upwards. She was about to respond, but fumbled over her words as a second set of hands pulled at her shirt, beckoning her to turn around. With a neutral expression, the brunette allowed the hands to move her, watching with concealed curiosity as Gwen finished buttoning.

"I love this fabric," she mused, purposefully allowing the tips of her fingers to graze Mal's chest.

Mallory shivered, unsure if it was arousal or surprise. "Gwen," she warned, exhaling when the woman stepped away. "I'm not entirely sure what your motive is, I'm--"

"Married, yes darling," the blonde chuckled, reaching out and grazing Mal's wrist with soft fingers. "Fret not. I'm just gathering a little information about you—Seeing what kind of woman you are."

A strong chin jutted out. "Not the kind that cheats."

"You flatter yourself." It was sharp and precise, cutting through thick skin, "my tastes are a little more subservient than you."

"Like William?"

A fond smile graced thin lips. "He has been trained well."

Neat brows furrowed. "Trained?

"Another day," Gwen shrugged off. "Come, I'm sure they're missing us."

"When?" There was no way Mallory would let this conversation go without assurance that it would continue.

"Next weekend, my place?"

Satisfied, Mallory lead the blonde out and rejoined the group. Ted reached over and pulled her seat out, grinning like a goof as she sat.

Ocean eyes rolled fondly. "You're incorrigible." She leaned over and placed a soft kiss on her husband's cheek, nose wrinkling at the stubble that greeted her.

"I love you too," he smarted, involving himself in conversation once again.

Taking a deep breath, contentment filled Mal's stomach as she glanced around the table. This was her future.

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