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Setting: Hotel room in downtown London 18:44. 17/2/15

"Fuck. You."


"No, you listen to me. Fuck you, Zayn Malik. I don't even...I can't even process this right now."

"Just list—"

"Shut up."


Louis walked out onto the balcony and slammed the door.

Zayn hung his head as he looked at the floor and then glanced at the small boy leaning over the railing, a cigarette between his lips.


Zayn walked over towards the glass and slid it aside, stepping into the crisp air of London. It was freezing out but Louis only had a jumper and joggers on. Zayn knew that his best friend was freezing, just being stubborn.

"Come back inside."


"Lou, it's fucking freezing out here. You'll get sick. We have a show tomorrow."

Louis scoffed. "Like you care."

Zayn let that comment slide, walking over to stand by his best mate of four years.

Four years of crashing at each other's places, getting high as fuck, clubbing, talking, everything.

A tear slipped from Louis eye and he wiped it quickly before Zayn could see. But he still saw.

"I'm not happy."

"I know."

"Then why are you so upset with me?" The Bradford lad turned to look at Louis who took a long drag. Louis then turned to look at Zayn, blue eyes wet and red and broken.

"You can't leave me."


"No you listen to me." Louis stood up straight and flicked his cig over the balcony railing.

"I can't do this alone, Zayn. I can't keep pretending. I need you. You're my best friend and I of all people know how you feel right now but please. Please don't leave."

Zayn opened his mouth but closed it again. Guilt flashing through his eyes at the other boy's words. His mind was already made up though. Zayn had to go. He had to go back home and live normally. He wanted to feel normal again.

"Louis, I can't do this anymore." Zayn's voice cracked and Louis' eyes darkened.

"You can—"

"No Lou. I can't. I'm tired and I'm sick and I'm done with pretending to be someone I'm not. I love you and I love One Direction bud I'm not it! I'm scared of letting you all down but I can't do this anymore and if you loved me at all then you would understand why I'm doing this."

Louis looked taken aback, but quickly composed himself.

"Don't do this."

Zayn stepped forward. "Babe I'm not trying to hurt you."

Louis buried himself into Zayn's chest, tears soaking through the taller lad's shirt.

Zayn immediately wrapped his arms around the shivering boy, resting his chin on top of his fluffy air while trying to hold back his own tears.

"I love you."

"I hate you." Louis sniffled.

Zayn kissed his head. "I know, Lou.."


"You still have Harry."

"Who will I go to when we get into another fight?" Louis was curled into Zayn's side on the bed, both sharing a joint and watching the city lights reflect off the glass slide.


"Wouldn't go to that bimbo if he was the last person on earth."

Zayn laughed loudly and Louis hugged him tighter, already missing him.

"So mean."

"He knows I love him."

"Not as much as you love me."

"You come a close third, first being Harry and then Niall."

"Liam's four?"

"No then it's Sandy, then Josh, then Alberto, then Liam."

"I'll tell him you said that."

"He already knows the truth."

The two fell into silence, not the comfortable kind though, but the one filled with unspoken questions and anxiety.

"I'll miss this. Who else am I to get high with?"

Zayn chuckled. "I'll still be around, boo."

"When we are touring?"


Louis sighed, already hating the new dynamic when he sat up bold right. "Oh fuck."

"What" Zayn sat up with him and lowered the joint from his lips. "What's wrong?"

Louis turned to face the man and Zayn saw new tears forming in his blue irises.

"They're gonna make me hate you."


Louis choked on a sob. "Management. They're gonna make me hate you f-for the media!"

Zayn sighed and rubbed the boy's back comfortingly. "No they won't, love."

"You don't know that." Louis cried into his hands, already seeing next weeks headlines.

"Lou look at me." Zayn held his friend's face. "I'm not gonna let that happen alright? Nothing will change the fact that you are my bestest and closest mate."

Louis still didn't believe Zayn. He knows more about their management out of everyone. He's seen what they do for the sake of keeping their names valid still. He's witnessed it firsthand when he and Harry had first started dating.

Modest! was not a force to be reckoned with but Louis refused to let them take away his best mate. They took too much away from him and they won't be able to take Zayn.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Lou."

Um sad?
I cried writing this while I was on the toilet😭
But yeah this is just my perspective of what I think went down when Zayn told Louis that he was gonna leave 1D.
Nothing against Zayn tho. Personally hate the "He zayned" jokes but it's really none of my business.
What do you guys think happened when Zayn told Louis that we was going to leave?

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