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Friday, 2:35 PM

"Ariana, hurry the fuck up," I let her know that she was dragging ass.

She was putting her makeup on.

"Y/N, why are you so impatient," she responded.

I just sighed while staring at her.

"You know you don't need makeup right?" I told her while still staring at her.

She turned around to look at me.

"You're just saying that to hurry me up, aren't you." She said while squinting her eyes at me.

I hated it. I hated how badly she talked about herself. No one would have guessed that "Ariana Grande" would be so insecure about herself. But you can never avoid the ugly truth.

I've known Ariana for like 6 months, and in those months I've never seen her which such high self esteem that people mention her with.

She's always talking bad about herself and pointing out each flaw. She's very insecure.

And I fucking hate it.

"I'm really not, Ariana," I said with a serious tone, not joking at all.

She kept staring at me. Her smile started to fade as she saw that I was not smiling or playing around.

She turned around and continued with her makeup.

"I'm almost done," she responded.

I rolled my eyes and scrolled through Instagram.

5:10 PM

Me and Ariana went to Starbucks after she finished her makeup. When we were done I insisted to go back to her place and watch a movie but she wanted to go out to a club or something with Courtney and the boys. I fucking hate parties but this bitch is dragging me with her.

She's lucky I'm her friend.

We were at Ariana's house right now. She was looking for an outfit to wear while I was just gonna go with my regular clothes because I couldn't care less about this club or
wherever we were going to.

"You should change into nicer clothes, you know," she said while eyeing me up and down.

"Gee, thanks for the compliment," I responded while holding up my middle finger at her.

She rolled her eyes.

"Shut up. You know I love you." She said while smiling.

"Mhm," I said while staring at my phone.

I was scrolling through Twitter to see what was trending when I felt Ariana throw herself at the bed, hitting my stomach with her leg.

"What the fuck! Ow bitch," I yelled while holding my stomach and grunting.

"That actually hurt Ari, damn," I said.

"Sorry," She said in a soft voice while giggling through a pillow.

I rolled my eyes at her while smiling a little.

"You're something else," I said while laughing with her.

"Let's cuddle," she smiled with her infamous  cute ass dimple while going up to me and  hugging me.

"I though you wanted to go to the club with Courtney and the boys?" I asked her confused about what we were gonna do tonight.

Fake Love (Ariana/You) Where stories live. Discover now