Chapter 6: A new Morning

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The next day.
-"OK. Shelf 12 through 16 seems to have a woodworm infestation, 5 of the ancient scrolls are as good as dust and ... I found a bowl of squid balls. -"Squid balls?"
- "Is this the only thing you're really interested in Shugung-sama?"
- "Do not be naughty Kinzo. Make sure the shelves are removed and replaced. And when you're done, you can start with the laundry right away. The last campaign has brought back not only our men completely exhausted. " With a furtive grin my boss stalked away and left me with my maintenance list alone in the rain. The weather had been more wet than dry since last night and the paved paths of Rakushous had turned out to be extremely slippery. I had to know it, several smaller scratches on the legs testified this.As soon as he disappeared behind the next corner, I stealthily stuck my tongue out after him. At some point Karma will answer my prayers and repay him, I just know. However, I now had to deal with the shelves and saved myself in the next corridor before I would be further drenched. The work in the library consumed my entire morning and ended just at noon.Completely exhausted, I arrived in the kitchen and was eagerly awaited by chef Inayi.- "Where were you?! His Highness is already waiting in the dining room and you're just jerking around! Make yourself useful and bring him his food! "- "B-Please forgive me! I'm already on the way! "The prepared dishes had already been laid on the cart. Almost frantically, I pushed the important good before me to the heavy door of the dining room. The guards stationed there roamed the courts for a moment, then opened the door so far that I could slip through it.- "You left us waiting, Michiru."Kouen had sat down at the back of the large mahogany table as usual, his two brothers sitting a little farther away from him. Koumei to his right and Kouha to the left.-"Please forgive, Your Highness."- "Alright, start."

I placed all the food in the middle, fortunately still steaming. After my official duty was done, I reached under the car, where there was a well-used teapot. While the princes were serving themselves slowly, I poured tea into the cups provided for the occasion.Normally, apart from closest confidants, all servants would have to leave the room. However, I had a special place right next to the main board along with the other household members of the Imperial family. Present were only Chuu'un, Koumei's assistant and Seishuu Ri, one of Kouen's four household members. I sat down next to Chuu'un and let my shoulders circle. God, why were all these things so damn heavy?!- "You had a hard day, eh?"-"Not as hard as you have every morning, Chu. I do not carry people back and forth. "-"That's truth."- "I'm really sorry for you two, I do not have to do that."
Seishuu, who sat at the opposite of Chuu'un as usual followed our little conversation with an almost mocking grin. Chuu'un next to me started to shake with rage. But he kept talking.- "I can understand you, Michiru-san. After all, that's your job here. But our friend Chuu'un here could have it so much easier if he just wants to. "- "I've told you before: I and Dantalion have not known each other so long, so I will not be assimilating with her anytime soon!"Sometimes I wished for more normal table neighbors than those. The two competitors continued to argue with each other, as I eat my rice in the meantime. It was not long before the imperial family began to move again, declaring lunchtime was over. The two brawlers seemed to slowly let go of each other and instead followed their respective masters and left me alone. I left the table and delivered the car back to the kitchen before making my way to the laundry room. The laundry literally piled up to the ceiling. Everywhere was blood, dirt and many other things stuck to the partially torn garments.- "And how should I wash all this?"- "Who says that?"
I turned around and saw Natsuki to my delight. She was just a simple servant here, but also my only girlfriend so far in the palace.
- "Natsuki! What are you doing here? Are you coming to help me? "
 - "Nope, not really. I just wanted to see how you work youself stupid. Of course I will help you! You should have just seen your face! Simply hilarious!"

Natsuki is a very interesting person. Hardworking, loyal, also extremely friendly, but she has a humor to get used to. But you can live well with that.
- "If so, then I'll get the water and you can start sorting. I want to have at least half completed today. "- "Oh, there's someone busy again. Tell me, do you have plans today? "Natsuki strode off to the big pile of laundry as she moved casually toward me and threw her arm around my shoulders. She had a big grin on her face. I turned my head in her direction and blew one of her haircurls from her face.-"No. What did you plot again? "Completely indignant, she gave me a playful thrust against the left arm and fluffed up her cheeks.-"Nothing at all! I really wanted to get new things for you for the festival! "- "What festival?"- "Duh, next week we celebrate the 10 year reign of our Emperor. How could you have forgotten that !? "Where should this be a reason to celebrate? It's been 10 years since the big fire. Nobody in the palace can take this as an opportunity to celebrate.
-"I know. But I will not participate there, and you either. Only the imperial family and the higher-ranking generals. And if you're just on men-fishing again, you just let me out of this. " The rest of the day was slow. I poured out the last tub full of dirty water when I heard heavy footsteps behind me. Behind me was Shugung, visibly annoyed and extremely sweaty.
- "So there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere, Kinzo! I have another job for you. "
- "I'm finished."
- "You're done here if I tell you! The prince is asking for you. So do not make a revolt. " He left the washroom and walked away. What did my Master want from me so late?

Over 50 Readers so far! Thanks a lot I'm so happy :)
I hope this chapter is going to satisfy you guys because I won't be able to update for a litle while. But don't worry, it will only take a month or so.
I have a life to go on you know ;)
Till than! And thanks for the vote ,I feel very honored!!!

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