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After what seemed like months, but was only a couple weeks, Suzette's ankle was completely healed. Once they arrived at home, the doctor had been summoned, Emeline escorted her to her room for a warm bath, and she had received a strict reprimanding from Gil. Lord Cranborne had entered her room for a minute to ask how she was feeling, but that was all. She assured him she would be fine and he left after an abrupt nod.

Gil had sat by her side as much as possible. He would read and talk with her to keep her sane. Lying in bed for three weeks could cause even the strongest person to go mad.

"Are you sure you are ready for this? Perhaps we should decline the invitation and stay home."

Gil looked to Suzette, his expression concerned.

"No Gil. We told Eric we would visit him and he has already arranged all the activities. It would be very inconvenient for his family if we declined this late. Besides, my ankle is completely healed. You cannot expect me to stay confined to my room forever."

Gil sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, a habit for when he was nervous.

"You are still a bit pale, Suze. I am sure he would understand. And what's wrong with a little more rest?"

"Gil. You have been treating me as if I were a child for the past three weeks. Now, quit your worrying for we are going to have a grand time with the Farman family."

"Very well." Gil complied with a frustrated sigh.

He rested his head on the backboard and closed his eyes. The rough carriage ride did not seem to bother him, for with a final sigh, he drifted off to sleep.

Suzette closed her eyes as well, but could not sleep. She had been doing little else these past few days. Instead, she thought about what to expect this coming week. Eric was very charming. He had lovely parents who were devout Christians. She had first met Eric through her closest friend, Rosalene. They were introduced during the first ball of Suze's season. Rosalene had practically dragged her across the ballroom to meet him. Suze had been expecting another snobbish rich boy but was pleasantly surprised. The man who turned to greet her was clean shaven and had a twinkle in his eyes. He had bowed and she had curtsied. Very formal. Yet she could tell he was different. He had asked her to dance. They had carried on pleasant conversation. He hadn't talked about wealth or money. He had asked her about her life and family. He was genuine. Eric was one of the good ones. She still didn't know if he was for her, but it was worth considering.

The carriage lurched to a stop and Suzette sprang into an upright position. She must have dozed off. She glanced over to Gil, who was now awake as well. He grumbled under his breath, something about hiring men who actually knew how to drive, while rubbing the back of his head. Suzette smiled at him. Ever the complainer her brother was. She glanced out the carriage window and her eyes widened in wonder. Of course she had been to the Kingsmen Manor before, but the massive abode never ceased to amaze her.

The manor was beautiful. Suzette remembered the gardens in the back with roses and lilacs. Eric, ever the gentlemen, had picked her a stunning bouquet. Of course they had been accompanied. He had picked one for Rosalene as well. She had blushed pritially and accepted with a small smile. Eric had nodded with smile and then turned back to Suzette. It had been a gorgeous afternoon.

A footman exited the manor and hustled to the door of the carriage. Opening it, he bowed, offering his hand to Suzette as she exited. She examined the manor in refound wonder. The building was tall and stunning. Many windows adorned the walls and on the highest tower they were painted. She took all this in as Gil exited the carriage.

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