Chapter 1

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I try to be honest
I was patient enough!
I thought been honest was as been patient..
Am a Wild child.....
1:30pm, on Friday I was born into this world, the only child of my parent after forty years of marriage,it was like a miracle, a gift from God, it was the happiest day of their life,nothing but joy, laughter, excitement and happiness. Yusuf that was the name given to me by my parents, but I was called junior at home and by my friends, I was a good well behaved, gentle and loved child, my parent make sure I have everything I ever wanted I was a spoiled child,but not a bad one,all my friends around me wish they can be like me,I was daddy's boy and mummy's everything, i grew up understanding love,honesty,respect, loyalty and patient was the key to living.
I attended one of the best private school, from there I went on to a boarding school were I finished my senior secondary school and I was able to get admission into the university to study computer science. I started my university and everything was going fine I was a very serious type and all i think of everyday was my studies,was not all about girls or other social life,i still the same honest and gentle boy of my parent, I never allowed my friends thoughts or what they do to be what I do,i try to stay the same me, I was back home for holidays, so I decide to visit a friend of mine and that's how I found the love of my life, I saw this girls picture in his phone from the first site I felt this is her, so I asked my friend, how can I get in contact with her and lucky she was a close friend to him, so he said don't worry I will help you talk to her, boom!! he did the magic and we start chatting and calling
each other, with time we get to know much better, but we were just friends and I wanted to be more than a friend to her, so i was patient and used that patient to get to know her much, I wasn't seeing any other girl in my life except her my life was so focused on her and her alone that also help me not to be mindful of other girls,although I never had a girlfriend before, we become very close that my friend was thinking we were dating already...
Her name was Faiza, her place to my place was about 20klm away, so to get there faster you have to use a car. She was a very religious and intelligent girl, in short a marriage material, she was fair, not too tall, average body and after all she was cute. I was in love, she has taken my soul already. Things were going as I wanted she tells me everything about her, likewise I did the same, but one thing she hide from me was her boyfriend, she never told me that, not until she was about to make another decision, another new guy who was disturbing her and she needed advice from me. There is this guy he has been disturbing me for a while now and i am starting to like him, me and my boyfriend have been having issue for a while now and this other guy is really serious about me, I need your advise she said, I was very shocked, so all this while this girl had a boyfriend and she never told me, so I said "you accept him" she said no, I don't want to double date and I was like OK then choose one, she said I still love my boyfriend but we have been getting issues for sometimes now and I was like ok, so you mean you are going for the other guy, she said no just that am beginning to like him now, am just confused, so I make sure I gave her the best advise. I said ok, if you leave your boyfriend because of this new guy you have cheated on him and he will be heartbroken and you said you can't let go this new one, fine "the ball is in your court" and she was silent for sometimes and didn't say anything. I wasn't myself that night and I think and think but my patient guided me. I never told her how I felt for her because I didn't know how to express myself to her, I couldn't do that because the love was endless there is no words I can use to express myself, real love is unconditional, so I decide to be patient.
I was back to school it was my second year, still the same me I was trying to fix up myself so i was more focus on my studies, on Saturday night my phone ring it was a new number and I was kinda surprise so I picked, hello! It was a girl, hi! She replied so we greeted and I asked please who is on the line, she said maryam, ok don't be offended maryam from were I asked, she said your school, I said ok but I don't have this contact,so please do I know you, she said no but we get to know more with time, so how can i be of help to you i asked and she said so many ways, I laugh and said ok, it was nice talking to you, she replied same. I didn't thought about it much because I knew what was coming, so few weeks later Faiza called, so you have forgotten about me right she said angrily, you know is not possible I can't forget someone like you I replied, so how are you doing and how is mumcy I asked and she said all fine, so we talked for some minutes and ended the call, I then decide to go online a bit to chat and that was how my night got spoiled viewing Faiza status I saw this guy I have never see her post before, I felt it immediately it was the new guy because from what she wrote on her status, I couldn't ask her I was silent and was in a very bad mood, so this girl have accepted this guy saying to myself, what will I do I was lost, so I act like nothing happened and I was patient.

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