Chapter 4

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       If I was not honest!
        I was a bad one!
          If I was never a bad one!
                     I was a honest one                        Time to get Wild!!!

     Monday morning i wake up late it was around 9:40am and I was having class by 10:00am, i rushed and prepared i didn't even take my breakfast because I was late, it was already 10:00am before I finished preparing. I rushed out, when I get to the lecture hall the lecturer was yet to come and everybody was busy making noise,i was bit relaxed, normally I don't talk to people much in the class, but this time around I was bit lousy,more friendly, smiling and looking happy going from one place to another and suddenly everywhere was silent,the lecturer was inside the hall, i was the last to notice, then I sat down slowly and the class burst into laughter, I was kind of shy but I acted like it was normal. He did his lectures for two hours and left. I was only having one lecture that day, I didn't waste anytime again in the hall, i was outside already trying to find my way to any eatery in the school because I was very hungry, on my way suddenly there comes this girl following me from the hall, she stopped me; 

Hi! "Talkative" I was so surprised I never knew you talk this much i was busy watching in the class today, so you can talk like this?she said. 

I smile, of cause yes, I can talk more than a parrot and at the same time be silent like a deaf person, how are you I asked?

Am fine, it was really nice seeing you smiling, talking happily with people today,you even made the whole class laugh today, by the way my name is khadijat she said!

Wow! What a nice name, am Yusuf but you can call me junior!

Ok junior, khadijat wants to be a friend! hope that won't be a problem? 

Hmm, is going to be a big problem because junior and khadijat, two friends that everybody will envy!! Don't mind me I can be crazy at times, you are welcome!!. Hope you don't mind, I was actually trying to go and get some food will you join me!

Yeah! Sure let's go she said.

I was extremely happy because this was what I wanted, to live another different life, the conversation continues;

So khadijat, do you stay in the hostel or off campus I asked? 

I stay in the hostel, but I do visit my friends sometimes they stay off campus.

The conversation was getting interesting, but that was not what I wanted to hear, ok which lodge did your friends stay?

"Queens lodge", is not that far from school, sometimes I spend my weekends there.

I felt like jumping up because queens lodge was very close to my lodge, then I added ; Queens lodge is not far from my lodge, before you get to queens lodge, do you know "prime square "?

Who doesn't know "prime square " in this school, in fact in this whole state, is only rich kids that stays there, wait!  are you saying that's where you stay?

Yeah! Managing my life, I don't even like the place that much, everybody there is forming big boy and big girl. 

Do you know how am praying to enter there, you guys have everything inside, swimming pool, game villa,ice cream  joint and lot more am dying to enter there, but the security don't normally allow unless you know someone that stays there, but now that I have you everything is solved or won't you take me there?

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