Chapter Three

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Chris had gone from surprised to a little pissed off when I refused his offer to hang out but also refused to tell him why. How was I supposed to explain what exactly I am doing right now? A large brick building is looming above me. 'Dr. Riymund's Office' is engraved on a plaque nailed to the front door. I take in a deep breath before knocking on the door. It's a public building, so I'm sure that I could just walk in, but I feel like I need to ask permission. That is how imposing this place is.

About a minute goes by before the door opens. A lady with dark hair and a friendly face appears in the doorway and smiles at me. "Ah, you must be Connor. I'm Shelley, Dr. Riymund's assistant." She opens the door wider and steps back, inviting me in.

   I look around the waiting room with curiosity. I'm sure that the room is quite beautiful, but everything tends to be dull in greyscale. There's a currently empty fireplace on the right side of the room, with a wide door to the left. A large desk is situated almost smack in the middle between the two, the wall behind hung with various awards and certificates. There's a set up of plush looking armchairs surrounding the fire place. There's more chairs, these ones much more typical, along the wall beside me to the left, across from the desk.

"We're so glad you could make it. Hector is quite excited about your situation. This could be a huge breakthrough for his research." I force a smile as I look back at her. "But enough from me. He's expecting you." She gestures to the door and I turn my head to look apprehensively at it. The lady, Shelley, moves back behind her desk and sits, proceeding to shuffle through the paperwork spread over the wooden surface. With one last fortifying breath, I make my legs move toward the door. The knob is cool as I touch it, putting me on edge slightly. It twists easily, the door swinging soundlessly inwards as I push.

An older man with slightly greying hair jumps to his feet as I enter. "Mr. Wilde, it's so good to meet you. As you probably know, I am Dr. Riymund, but to make this more comfortable for you, you can call me Hector." I'm surprised by his British accent.

   "Uhm..." I blink stupidly as I take his extended hand and shake it. "Connor." I add belatedly. He nods eagerly before letting go and gesturing to two more of the same plush armchairs that are situated 90 degrees to each other in the far corner. He takes a seat as I sink into one of the chairs, revelling for a moment in how soft and truly comfortable it really is. Why can't all doctors offices be like this?

"So, Connor, you briefly explained what's been happening to you in your e-mail." I nod as he pauses. "Is there any more details you can add? How many times have you had these dreams?" He looks so interested, and I hate to crush it.

   "Truth be told, it's only been twice. Last night and the night before." To my surprise he doesn't look disappointed. He merely nods, hands clasped in his lap as he studies me.

   "And have you been seeing some colour both days?" He asks. I nod again. Today, instead of Principal Hanover's shoes, it was a girl named Leslie's maroon skirt. He inhales thoughtfully before getting to his feet.

   I stay put, merely watching as he goes to his desk and grabs a pen and a pad of paper. "Can I get you anything? Coffee or water, perhaps?" I shake my head.

   "No, I'm okay. Thanks, though." He nods cordially and comes back. Once he's seated, he flips open his notepad and clicks his pen.

   "Okay, then let's start with your first dream. Can you walk me through what happened?" He keeps his hand poised over the paper and looks up at me with interest. I close my eyes and screw my face up in concentration.

   "I only have bits and pieces." I pause for a bit as I try to scrape together as many details as I can. "I remember that I seemed to wake up, like I had been asleep in my dream. The sky overhead was so bright. I'm assuming it was blue, cause that's what we've always been told. There were a few clouds, but not many. When I sat up, I found myself in a field, surrounded by flowers. There were so many different coloured ones that it was almost overwhelming. The field seemed endless in every direction, but there was a tree in the distance.

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