Chapter 1

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  Now that the girls finally came home from the cruise they can go back to work now. This was gonna be good. This would mean that they are officially off vacation and transitioning into married life with two amazing people. Kat can't wait to finally start her modeling career. This was gonna be a good thing for everyone. The cruise and wedding was amazing. They all had so much fun. Just one thing could have changed though Megan could have backed away a little and let Kat and Luke have time together. This was a honeymoon and she was not treating it like one.
  Now that the cruise was over they were finally married and kat could start her new modeling job she was so excited that this was gonna be her official day. She couldn't wait to see what was in store for her when she got to where she had to go.
" So, are you excited bout your first day as a model?" Luke asked Kat
(He was interested to see if she was excited or not to be doing this.)
" Yes, Luke . I'm so totally excited to be modeling. Would have never thought that I would be here today doing this kinda job and be married to you." Kat answered all excited about this experience.
" Glad to hear that you are so excited about all that's been happening in your life right now. I'm proud of you right now. " Luke replied because he was happy that she was happy and he was also proud of her.
" Thanks!!! Now I have to go so I don't be late for work now." Kat said
Then they kissed so she could leave for work.
  Meanwhile, Megan was getting ready to go to work herself. She was ready to go back to work now. She totally couldn't wait till she goes in. She wants to work as the manager still.
" So, are you ready to go back to work now that we are no longer on the cruise ship?" Hunter asked
" Yes, I love my job cause its one of my favorite stores to be at. The boss will finally be glad that I'm back for sure." Megan said all exited
" When are you gonna be going to work?" Hunter asked
" Now so I don't be late. See you when I get home. Love you!!!" Megan said
" Love you, too!!! See you when you get home." Hunter replied
Then Megan left to go to work.
  Kat arrived at work around 9am as scheduled. She was at the store " Victoria secret. " That is where she use to work before they gave her the full time modeling job. She still gets discounts and perks from this place because the modeling job is associated with them. From time to time Kat will have to come to the store to check in and get things for her job and for herself. So, they did not loose her completely. When Kat got there she had to go to the bosses' office to talk to him.
" Hi, Jimmy!!! I'm here to start my new job. Totally can't wait." Kat said all excited
She had a smile on her face when she said it.
" That's great to hear you say that. Just wanted to make sure today is gonna go well because you don't have me as a boss ." Jimmy said to her.
" will. I'm excited to start my life as a model. Want this next step in my life to be a great new experience for me. My life Is going really good right now. Got married to the popular country singer Luke Bryan and now a model. Life couldn't get any better right now." Kat replied super excited about her life right now.
" Go have Fun and make this company proud!!!" Jimmy said
With that Kat left the office. The photographer was ready to take her to the studio to get things going for today. They needed to get the magazine shoot started or it won't be done on time to hit the shelf. They had less then a week to get the perfect shots and the perfect places for it or it won't look great.
  Meanwhile, Megan was headed to work at her favorite store " Hot topic." She couldn't wait to get back to this job. She wanted to still manage the store like she did before she left to go on the cruise. When she arrived at work she clocked in to start the day. She had a lot to do on her first day back. She had to be in full Megan mode while she was there. She didn't want the boss to think she was slacking off since she been gone for 2 weeks.
  While, she was working her boss came to see how she was doing today.
" So, are you glad to finally be back at work now? We totally missed you!!!" Megan's boss said
" Yes, I'm very happy to be back finally. Love being manager here at this store. You should know that by the great job I've been doing since I became a manager here. " Megan answered
" That's good to hear. Some people don't like coming back to their jobs once they go on an amazing vacation, but I guess I was wrong to think that about you. I did make the right choice in making you manager of this place." The boss replied
He was a happy person to hear something like that from her.
" I'm not gonna let you down. I promise!!!" Megan said " Well, I'm gonna leave you to do your work now." Her boss said.
Then walked back to the office.
   Back at Luke and Kat's house Luke was getting things back in order after being gone for two weeks in a row. He wanted to make sure the house looked good for when Kat came home from a long day of work. He also wanted to make sure he cooked and went grocery shopping as well.

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