Ch3 The night begins

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Jacksons P.O.V

  We got to the club 10 minutes to 8. We waited in line for what feels like forever. Finally it was our turn on the I.D. cheack. We flashed our I.D.'s real quick and the bounser stamped our hands and let us in.

    It was loud,  lights flashing everywere,  drunk people, and a hole aboundence of thing I dont like mixed into one. My first task was to try and find a table that wasnt surounded by people.

  After scanning the room I saw a table in the back near the bar. Emme and I pushed our way through a rive of people so we coulde get our table. It tuck few minutes to get there because I had to stop Emme's flirtting with random guys.
  I sat down and Emme went to go get drinks. I wasnt a big drinker so I normmaly would get a soda. Emme normaly tuck stight shots of vodica. I was the DD(designated driver),  but I didnt mind as long as she got home safe if she wasn't going home with a hot guy she found.

  Most men out in my area dont like others to know they are gay so it's hard to find a relationship and keep it. But I have never let others harsh judement of gays change the fact that im one, open about it,  and nothing will change this.

  Emme started drinking and headed to the danse floor, well I satrted drinking my pepsie and playing on my phone. Who  knew candy crush and instagram could save lifes.

Hi guys. I wasnt really sure on how to spice this chapter up a bit. I had preveusly started this storie in a note book and when I decied to put it on here I knew I wanted to make it as good as I posibly could,  but I will be honest and say that  it was a little bit difficult. I hope you guys like this and keep reading so we can find out more on Jackson.❤❤❤

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