1_ The Assignment

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Hyunjin's POV :

8:00 : The class finally became decently quiet when the teacher entered the room, his briefcase dangerously clasped under his arm as his hands were full of paper sheets. I put away my phone, tidying my earbuds lazily in their pouch. He excitedly let his stuffs fall onto his desk, the thud making the few remaining chats stop. "shit was there a test today?", some students in the back were still chatting among themselves as they noticed the thick layer of papers.
Mr Min looked enthusiastic as he made the chatter quiet down with his announcement, "Good morning class, assignment time!", he clapped funnily as a few lazy butts complained.
"Come on, stop complaining, that will be fun! You will be in pair and I will personally choose your partner, you will have to write lyrics, create a melody, everything, and the final song will be your grade, if you guys make it to the top 2, you will perform the song at the ceremony planned at the end of the month." The teacher seemed to be the only one thrived.

My heart dropped when I realized I would be paired up, probably not with a person I know, my socially awkward self wouldn't nail this.

" Try to come up with some themes for tomorrow, you can find some inspirations on these sheets", he walked through the rows, handing the papers.
When it was my turn, he came to a halt, "I really appreciated the piece you made on the piano for the last assignment, but that would be nice if you tried something else for this one, another instruments maybe?", his suggestion made me frown, I only had a piano at home, seeing my troubled expression, he suggested I could borrow an instrument in the music room and even practice there, "just ask the keys to the secretary room". And with that, he continued his walk through the class, the rest of the class passed by relatively quickly.


12:30 :

My phone startled me as I made my way through the crowded corridor. My best friend Chaewon had sent me a text.

+Wonie : Where u at shortie?

I couldn't help but scoff at my phone, she was something.

+Me : May I remind you I'm taller than you? *inserts mamamoo's song*

I giggled at my phone as I waited for her reply.

+ Wonie : Shhh whatever, I'm at the cafeteria's entrance, come quickly

Heeh what's with this girl, I'm not a pet, Chaewon was really the only one who could talk like that with me, I had a soft spot for her, we had been friends for several years.

As I got closer to the cafeteria, I immediately spotted her among the crowd, she looked mature but her height made her look like a freshman and the beanie she was wearing just screamed tiny energy.
"'Sup small bean", I joked, her grin faded quickly, a fake hurt expression on her face, "small but spicy it'd kick your butt", she threatened ironically making the both of us burst into laughter. We then proceeded to eat our lunch, making small talks.


After eating our lunch, I decided I would stop by the music room, making my way to the secretary office as Chaewon tagged along.

"Do you have any idea for the song?", She broke the corridor's quiet atmosphere, she was more of a dancer but she definitely liked to sing and hear me play. "Maybe a ballad", I shrugged, " I'll see with my partner", just thinking about tomorrow made my heart race in both anxiousness and anticipation. We finally arrived at the office, an old lady greeting us, "what do you want? ", huh, rude much.
"My music class has an assignment, Mr Min said it was fine for me to practice in the music room, could I get the keys please? ", I tried to be polite enough, making sure a fake smile disguised my rush.
She thought for some seconds, staring at me, her short-sighted eyes making me anxious.
Finally she managed to take a damn decision," alright, just make sure you lock it when you leave, bastards tend to squat in there", I felt my eyes widen by themselves but I smoothly looked away, not wanting any trouble, what a condescending woman. "Sure, thanks", and with that, we made our way to the music room, Chaewon was jumping excitedly, bumping my shoulder from time to time, "you'll play something for me right? Pleaaase", she pleaded like a child, that was in those moments I noticed we really were different, but well, like it says, opposites attract.
In front of the room, I started to unlock the door, a hideous smell invading my nose, "ew what's that?", Chaewon mumbled as I pushed the door open.

The few students turned their heads in our direction, some eyes widening caught red - handed, some... just not caring, we were not alone.

To be continued...

A/N : Alright that's it for the first chapter, It feels more like a story setter, it's not that exciting for now but the fun is about to start, just behind that door actually *evil laugh*
I don't want the story to be slow-paced but I don't want it to be too quick either, so there will be less exciting moments at some points but they are needed, anyway everyone has their own opinion on that and I'd be glad to have your feedbacks. The second chapter will come pretty quickly as I'm super excited to get to the heart of the matter. Bye for now people, or should I say, fellow Orbits? ~

The School's Heartthrob - 2Jin ffOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant