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Hyunjin's POV :

The rain pattering against the closed window was lulling me to sleep.
I nuzzled a little more into my pillow.
My eyes shot open, the sound had come from behind me.
I turned on my back, soon after, something hit my window. TICK.
The covers pooled around me as I sat up, who the fuck was throwing pebbles at my window?
I dragged my body towards it, the hairs on my thighs standing up after leaving the comforting warmth of my bed.
I ducked on instinct when a literal rock came crashing onto the window, were they trying to break in?
I neared the window again, wary.
My head shot towards my lit phone screen and I rushed to see what it was. I read the notification on my lockscreen (Just Chaewon, Jinsol and I goofing around)

Heej: Open up for me pls

What- my brows knitted together.


I jumped and turned on my feet. Tsk. What was Heejin doing here?? At----I checked my phone screen---11pm??

Rain was pouring onto her, her hair plastered onto her skull as she leaned in with her hand above her eyebrows to peep inside.

She met my eyes, smile stretching to her ears when I reached the window and slid it open.

She pecked me before anything else, her cold nose bringing a single droplet to roll down my cheek, "Hey." She let out breathily. She still had climbed her way there. Or was she nervous about something? She must have been here for a reason that's for sure.

I forced down a shudder and I stepped aside when she slang one leg over the window sill.
"What are you doing here?" I croaked out, taking notice of the water pooling under her figure. That unconsciously brought a smile out of me because she made me think of a kitten. She better not walk around and wet my entire room though, that, I would not accept.

She smiled, "I have news."

Oh-uh, what again ?

She was about to sit on my bed, totally fine with getting my sheets completely drenched.

"If you sit I will throw you out the window--" I warned. She gave me doubtful look, "and I can."

She rose immediately.

"I'll get you a towel, just--stay here." I instructed in a quiet whisper, my parents were a room away from mine. She nodded once, my cue to pad towards my bathroom.

Coming back, I flung the towel on my bed, wordlessly going in my dresser. I rooted around before fishing out a tee and loose sport shorts.
She was walking back and forth from my bedside table to my window, visibly so excited she couldn't stand still.
"Here wear this." I pulled her out of her frenzy.
"Oh! Right!" She seemed to forget we weren't casually alone in the house, going for the clothes I had put down on the bed.
I hushed her, the way her eyes turned round like those of a puppy making it hard for me to stay mad. We-- I just had to hope my parents were heavy sleepers. As for Heejin, she couldn't care less if they found out about her creeping in.

"Sorry." She said apologetically, almost inaudible.

Not wasting any more time, she shrugged off her jacket.

Hum-I should leave or?

Oh jesus christ-

Before I could turn around or even close my eyes, she had already pulled her sweater over her head.

Even though I honestly wanted to gawk at her smooth skin a little longer, my eyes shut tightly, like a survival mechanism.

I heard her laugh under her breath-most likely at how prude I was acting-but I didn't care.

The School's Heartthrob - 2Jin ffOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant