005 | always

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y/n's pov

y/n's pov

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finn and i left the dorm and went outside the building. i love how peace just falls over the lobby. no screaming kids, no stressed students. just silence. finn and i look at each other and smile, we laughed after and we both knew exactly why we laughed.

"so 'finn wolfhard' how's life as an actor, and please be honest cause i love honesty and i dont want you to feel like you're in an interview." i say to finn as i look at him. we keep walking and its a 13 minute walk to 7/11 so we have time to be alone and 'tAlK aBoUt eAcHoThEr' as he said awhile ago.

"well okay" he chuckles and sighs,

"well to be honest its stressful, i feel like everything i do is constantly watched and it kind of is and knowing that just makes my anxiety worse, i could literally just be breathing and then im thinking about what if that random guy knew who i was and i would get bombarded with questions . and i know i should talk to someone about it and make sure it doesn't happen anymore but if i do that i feel like im giving up on myself or something-nevermind its a stupid excuse." finn explains to me and i understood every single thing he said

"no, its fine i get it, you just need time and you need to know that its okay getting help with anxiety its totally okay, its not something you should be ashamed of because it doesn't show a sign of weakness it shows that you know whats good for you and you're willing to do whatever it takes to make yourself happy and that includes getting help so just know even though i met you today that i will be there for you. always." i say to finn and i meant every word i said because yeah i just met him today but i just feel this connection towards him that i can't explain but i want to find that out.

"thank you so much y/n i really appreciate it. words could not describe how much i appreciate you right now. okay so since you asked me a question i have to ask you a question, so my question is...." finn drags the s and he smiles and that just makes me worried of what his question will be.

"is..... who are the most important people in your life right now?"

"okay wow thats a every good question but the most important people rn is paige and my sister." i tell finn and him asking the question made it very anticlimactic because he made it seem like he was gonna ask a very important question that i need a long answer for.

"and why is that?" finn asks

"well because paige has been with me through everything. every single thing that happened in my life and i did the same for her. we met when my family moved here and she was the first person i made friends with and god i just love her so much, she's literally my soulmate but not in a romantic way she just knows everything about me and i know everything about her too." i explain to finn and im thinking about all the good times i had with paige and how much i appreciate her.

"well what about your sister?" finn asks me

"well my sister and i are 2 years apart so we went to the same schools and had the same group of friends so i don't know she may be annoying and i am always annoying but she's just the best. she's always there for me when i need it and im there for her as well, but what really told me that she cares for me was when i came out to her as bisexual and she supported me unconditionally unlike my mother so she's my only family left. well plus paige." i tell finn and im anxious to see what his reaction is when i told him im bisexual.

"ohhh im glad shes there for you, you deserve the best and i kind of knew you were bi..." finn tells me and i give him a confused look on how he guessed or knew.

"wait what how did you 'kind of knew'? what-" i look at him still fucking confused but i get cut off

"i dont know, i guess my gaydar was on point." finn tells me and i laugh to his response.

"but by the way just know that im there for you too. always" finn tells me and looks at me, i smile at him and he smiles back. we fin(n)ally arrived at 7/11 and we both run inside. we get a little basket 🧺 (thatbasketiskindacutewtf) and laugh because of all the unhealthy shit we are getting. finn gets a hotdog but drops it on the nasty ass floor and i laugh at him while he looks at me pouting. the cashier clears his throat and points at the hotdog, making it clear to pick up the hotdog and throw it out and said that he'll be paying for that which just makes me laugh harder.

we get out of 7/11 and decide to eat outside on the curb. we sit down and take everything out and start eating, i smile widely cuz...food ya know. but finn looks at me smiling and im kind of weirded out cause why is he looking at me like that so the curious nosy bitch i am, i ask him "finn why are you looking at me like that? its so weird." he says nothing which just makes me say

"finnnnnn what is it? oh.. is there something on my face?" i touch my face and try to wipe of anything that could be there he finally said

"yeah you got something on your face, let me get it" he cups my face with both of his hands and attaches his lips with mine and im taken back by it but i go with it cause ive noticed i started developing feelings for him. i melt into the kiss and we're on the verge of making out but he pulls away and says

"omg im so sorry, i shouldn't have done that what the hell." i look at him and cup his face and kiss him to shut him up.

i pull away and say "damn finn you talk to much." we smile at each other and stand up and get the unfinished junk food and walk back to my dorm.


we get back and i open the dorm room and he doesn't go in. "are you coming in orrr"
i say to him motioning in to the dorm.

"its getting late i should go back home, i had a great time with you though." he says and i frown but i understand

"yeah i get it, im pretty tired too see you next time?" i say to him

"yeah see you next time" he replies to me and goes in for a hug and i hug him. he walks away and i close the door.

im so happy to know finn and i hope things between us gets better.

but boy could i have been more wrong.

authors note: hehehe i have so many ideas for this book. i hope you enjoyed this chapter i kind of did

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