Chapter 4: A New Friend

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You had blacked out.

You weren't sure where you were.. Everything was dark.. 

Your hearing returned first. You could hear music. 

Your sense of touch returned.. You could feel something soft below you. A bed? No.. It felt more like a sofa.

You took a slow breath, opening your eyes. It all seemed to be blurry as  your mind basically recalibrated. Your vision slowly became clear, and you could finally see where you were. 

You were in a room, laying on a couch, a few cans of soup seen on a shelf. There was a table against the wall, two chairs by it, a toolbox placed upon the table. 

Something else came into view. It was a tall, thin figure, with a canine-like head, and a pair of white overalls. 


He seemed to turn to you as you woke up. He saw your eyes open, and gave a relieved smile. He seemed to look you over, checking you for any injuries, before let out a silent sigh, and walking right on over to the table, taking a seat. He seemed to keep an eye on you as you slowly got into a sitting position on the old sofa. You had no idea what had happened.. The last thing you remembered was finding a dead Boris, and now here was a living one right in front of you. 

You looked to Boris, silent for a moment as you tried to think of what to say, but the wolf seemed to break the silence. 

"...Are you alright?" he asked, genuinely sounding concerned about your health and wellbeing. He kept his eyes on you, tapping his fingers on the table. 

You gave a soft nod, having not found your voice yet. That seemed to relax him a bit, as he stopped tapping. He stood back up, and walked right on over to you, taking a knee in front of you. "You remind me of.. someone very important to me." he stated. "Are you related to.. Mister Stein?" 

"Yes, he was my grandfather." you responded, finally able to speak again. Boris seemed surprised. "Golly.. Has it really been that long?" The wolf seemed quite surprised at the fact that Henry had a grandson, especially one your age. It meant he'd have to have been in this place for decades.

Poor Boris seemed to not understand how long he'd been alone. You stood up slowly, giving him a look as you came to terms with things. Boris was real. Boris the Wolf was right in front of you, having survived for years.. He stood up after a moment, being a little bit taller than you. You were an average height anyhow, so people being taller was no big deal. 

"So, whats your name, then?" asked Boris, breaking the silence. "Urm.. I'm [Y/N] Stein." you responded as simply as you could. Boris gave a soft smile, nodding. "I can still call your Mister Stein, then!" You cleared his throat. "Heh.. no, no.. [Y/N] is fine. You don't need to use Mister when referring to me.." 

Boris nodded, and gave a soft smile, before pulling you into a hug.. which felt pretty dang good, actually..

You really needed this hug..

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