Chapter Nine

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(A/N: Collage of Rhys at the top!!)

It was Monday morning..

Test day..

Gwen was making her way to class, walking past many fellow students in the hallway, but trying to avoid Rhys. She had been super bored when Rhys came over yesterday to talk about the Twelve Labors of Hercules, being annoyed when he said Heracles the whole time. Who didn't know Hercules, was it so hard just to address him as just that, Hercules?

She wanted him to make things simpler, not more complicated. He seemed like a straight A student, the bonus was a killer hot body, but she didn't want to date a hot brainiac. If she wanted a brainiac, she would have gone for someone like Juan, the guy that just had to go and elaborate about the Nemean lion so much...

She knew that when she got to class, she would have to sit next to Rhys, but luckily it would be during class. She would have to endure it.

Getting her books from her locker, she made it to the Mythology class. No much fun it was to have it as a first subject right on an early Monday morning. Perfect. She went into class and saw Rhys already at his usual spot. With a long a heavy sigh she sat down next to him.

"I was looking for you before class." He whispered to her. She just gave a strained smile and shrugged her shoulders.

"You probably didn't look hard enough. I was, around.."

He had a tight fitting plain white tshirt on, with tight blue jeans, and Levi sneakers. His biceps showing off, she did not know him very well, but clearly he was as into fitness as he was into being the best in class.. In the past she used to love hanging around guys like him, but why not this time around?

Just then Mr Blake came into class. Straight to business.

"Right, good morning students, I hope you studied hard for this one. I expect straight A's only." The students laughed nervously, but he didn't even crack a single facial muscle to try and smile. He was so dry, so apathetic, almost emotionless. He was weird, Gwen thought as she looked at him. He caught her eyes for a moment, and stared for a few seconds, before continuing to hand out the test papers.

He was dressed in beige pants, black shoes, and a plaited roll up sleeve shirt. His brown hair was neatly combed. He had a slight tan, which indicated he maybe he did spend some time at the beach occasionally. His face was tensed, he always seemed like he was thinking to hard, like life was a burden to him. She wondered why...

"Now," he said as he stood in front of the class, "this is just a short test as a penalty, I warn every time, do not bring your cellphone to class, or, try not to be seen using it during class. Well, as you can see, this is the result of not listening, short notice tests. Begin."

He sat at his desk and started writing his own things down, not looking back at the class again.

Gwen could feel Kale's eyes burn holes into her back, knowing he sat just behind her. For some reason she wondered what he was thinking, what he thought of her. Had he regretted saving her life? Just as she got lost in thought, Rhys tapped her shoulder.

"Come on, start the test or get left behind." He was such a stickler for rules, that she couldn't help but roll her eyes. She liked him at first, not that he was a bad guy, but he took school way to serious..

She looked down at the first question —

'So for Hercules's first task King Eurystheus ask Hercules to go kill this lion who had been torturing the country side.
Why was Hercules's first attempts at slaying this beast, the Nemean Lion, unsuccessful?'

She thought for a while, trying to remember what she had read in the books, something about a very thick skin or something...

She started writing –

"Hercules had drawn multiple arrows to try and slay The Nemean Lion, but it was a formidable and very strong foe, with an fur that can't be pierced or cut."

She wrote a few more sentences on the subject, moving on to the next question, trying hard to remember the details which seemed to escape her mind.

'How did Hercules present proof that he had killed the Nemean Lion?'

"Hercules wanted to bring the Nemean Lion’s body to King Eurystheus, but soon realized that the journey back to Mycenae would take too long as the body of the beast was too heavy. To try and make it easier on himself but still have proof, he attempted to skin the lion with a knife and then a stone but is unable to do so. Eventually it occurred to him, to claw off one of the lion’s paws, this made it easier to skin the hide, before cladding himself with it."


Rhys looked to his side as Gwen was writing. He could see that he had bored her yesterday, she wasn't into Myth like he was. At first he thought they might get along, but she would probably get bored every time he talked about the things he loved, school was one of them, not to mention Myth.

He looked back at Kale for a second and saw him eyeing the two of them, catching his eye before returning the gaze to Gwen. It was clear that Kale had a thing going for Gwen.

Since he got back a year ago, he wasn't the same guy that left two years ago. Something had gone wrong, and he snooped too deep he guessed as he discovered what was really happening at the reform school the state had sent Kale too. He  felt sorry for Kale that he had to go through such a bad time, but now Kale took this hate out on everyone around him, even on Gwen, but he could sense there was more to the way he acted around Gwen. It was more obvious now that he watched Kale watching Gwen.

Maybe they were more suited together. Yesterday he thought of spending more time with Gwen, but today he felt different about it. He couldn't help but shake the feeling that Kale liked Gwen more than he let on...


The test was finally done when Mr Blake came around to gather the papers. Before he went to the front of the class he stopped next to Gwen, glancing down at her paper as he did.

"Gwen, could I see you after class?"

He didn't wait for a reply as he walked back to his desk, the bell rang for the next class before she could say anything, but now she had to stay behind as the rest of the students left.

She still sat at her desk, but when she looked up, he caught her eyes, he was looking straight at her, a faint smile forming before he turned and walked out  of the class.. He had the usual goth make up, lip rings, and he was dressed in the usual black, but this time he had a dark grey tight shirt on with white print in front. "I love working with people" with a hooded skeleton and scythe, it looked like the angel of death, that was all she could make out. He had a studded bracelet on his left wrist. Grey and black converse sneakers.

She wanted to see him without his make up, shirtless, she wanted to look into his green eyes again, just like that moment he saved her live..

There was something about him... He made her feel alive simply just by being in his presence, even just by looking at her, he made her heart beat quicken. At first he scared her, but now there was no denying, there was an unspoken vibe between them, she liked him...


Theme song for this part: Alice Cooper - School's Out.


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