Chapter Eleven

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(A/N: Collage at the top is how I imagine Kale to look without his make up when he is his normal self without pretending to be a bad boy)

Gwen dreaded the moment they got home, that would mean she had to finally give the teacher's note to her mom. She tried to avoid it for as long as she could..

"So, how was the test?" Her mother asked as she warmed up their meal in the microwave, lasagne. She took the Greek salad from the fridge and a bottle of orange juice. Her mom never drank alcohol due to the job she had, any moment the phone could ring and she would have to go to the next emergency. They both sat down at the nook, each with a plate and a glass.

"It was, well, good? I hope. I do not even like mythology. I mean who even cares about someone who never existed, half man half god, slaying a giant lion?" She glanced down at her backpack that still had the note tucked in at the side, then she grabbed a spoon and started dishing up for herself, pouring a glass of juice, then grabbing the fork to eat, avoiding her mom's eyes. Her mom did the same, eyeing her suspiciously.

"What are you hiding? I know how you get when you're nervous about something, you talk about random stuff, but you can't look me in the eyes. Did you fail the test?" Her mom took a bite of her lasagne, her eyes never leaving Gwen.

This made her even more nervous, she could not hide it any longer... "No, mom, I... I just need to study harder. My Mythology teacher gave a note that I should give to you, and, well. Please don't get mad?" She bent down and took the note from the backpack, her heart racing as she knew what her mom's reaction would be...

She handed her mom the folded note.

She watched as her mother read the note, then suddenly she froze, lowering the note and looking over at Gwen. Looking down at the note again. She went pale. Yes, now came the dreaded moment, her mom was close to an outburst. Her mother's mouth opened, but closed again, suddenly she seemed near to tears.

She hadn't seen her mom this upset, not since, well, since she asked about her father?

"Mom, seriously, what's wrong? You haven't been this upset since I asked about my real dad? What's going on, please, it's just a teacher's note. I promise I will do better, please just don't get upset. I—"

Her mom interrupted her. It could no longer be kept a secret.

"Gwen, there's something you should know..." Her mom was seriously pale. Why? It was just a note. Not the end of the world..

"Mom, what's going on?" She had no idea what her mom was so upset about, but she feared this was serious.

She kind of hoped her mom would let her off the hook so she could go and meet Kale at the beach.

"Alex Blake, is your Mythology teacher?"

"Yeah? What about him? If it's about that other—"

Her mom lifted her hand to quiet Gwen.

"Gwen, he is your father..."


She remembered just sitting there frozen, time seemed to stand still as she heard the words — "Gwen, he is your father..."

She had no idea how to react, what to say... Her teacher, Alex Blake, was her father. But how was this possible? Did he even know about her..?

Her mother had started crying as she got up from the nook, not finishing her food, nothing, just got up and stormed to her room, shutting the door...

She sat there for what felt like ages, not moving, her mind going in a million directions, until she finally felt a tear down her cheek. Her mother knew, and never told her. She lied, all this time. She knew exactly who her father was, and never told her...

She had to get fresh air, she had to get out, she looked up at the clock, it was six pm, she didn't want to wait until midnight.

She grabbed her phone, tears finally streaming down her face as she barely saw what she was typing.

"I can't wait until midnight. See you there. G."


She sat at the beach, still wearing her blue dress, barefoot in the sand. She saw as a few surfers still surfing in the waves. The sunset was perfect, orange and purple mixed together. She wondered if one of the silhouettes she saw in the waves was Kale. She wondered if he had gotten her text.

She sat with her head down in her arms folded over her knees that was pulled up against her chest, tears still flowing. All the wondering these years, everything came crashing against her, it had felt just like that wave that took her under, she was drowning. She wished she had drowned, then she wouldn't have felt the pain right now.

She heard footsteps closing in, something being put down in the sand, probably a surf board. He sat down. Then she heard his voice.

"Hey, got your text earlier, was looking out for you from the waves. Glad you could make it. Are you so greedy to see me that you couldn't wait until midnight?" She could hear the mocking smile in his voice, but that only made her cry more.

"Wait, are you crying? What's going on? Gwen, look at me." He sat closer and tried to lift her head, making her look at him. She was probably a wasted mess of mascara, but she didn't care how he saw it. She just hoped he wouldn't laugh at the sight of her.

When he saw her face, he couldn't help but pull her closer into him, he knew pain and didn't want to see her cry. She was beautiful and didn't deserve to cry. He cradled her against his bare chest, waiting until she was ready to talk.
Instead he just whispered, —

"I'm sorry I was so awful to you, I didn't mean it. It's just—" he couldn't say it, he couldn't' spill his own secrets, couldn't tell her what made him the way he was. He didn't want make the moment about himself, he wanted to know what was wrong that made her so upset. She had since started holding on to him, resting her head on his shoulder. The crying subsided and he could feel her calm down. "Just know I'm here for you.."

Finally she sat up and stared off into the waves, "Thanks Kale, but it's not you, it's about my father. I just found out who it is." She looked over at Kale, frowning then continuing — "It's the Mythology teacher, Alex Blake.."

Alex Blake, was her father? But how? He had no family, not that Kale knew off anyway. "How is that possible? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, my mom told me like two hours ago, after she read the note I got from him to give her. She seemed pretty upset and very sure when she told me, so, yes, he is my father. I mean, that's what she said anyway."

"Does he know that?" Kale couldn't help but ask the question as he took her hand in his, entwining their fingers, holding it firmly, wanting her to know he was there for support.

"I don't think so. Either he left me, of she never told him she was pregnant. I don't know..." She looked down at her hand, her fingers fit so perfectly with Kale's fingers, like it was meant to be. She looked up at him.

"Guess I'll have to find out soon.." She said softly, looking into Kale's green eyes. His face was clean, his dark hair was wet, he was shaven, no lip rings, no make up, just Kale.. He was looking back at her, not looking away.

For a moment time stood still, but this time, in a good way.

His face came closer to hers, his lips softly grazing hers, before he pulled her closer, their lips connecting with untamed emotion and passion. It wasn't like the first time they kissed, this time it felt real...


Theme Song for this part: One Republic — Secrets.

.!!........this was a heavy part to write........!!.

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