A Reunion Of Anger

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Ash's P.O.V

I was having breakfast downstairs when Serena came down.

Serena: Hey, what are you eating?

Ash: Pancakes! My mums special recipe! Wanna try some?

Serena: Sure but where's Gary?

Ash: Oh,he left already

Serena: Then shouldn't we go too

Ash: Alright let's go

Serena: What about your pancakes?

Ash: Oh, I'm already done

Serena: Then what are we waiting for let's go!

I grabbed my backpack,phone and headphones and headed out the door only to spot someone I hoped to never see again. Luckily though he didn't notice me and thank god for that. But still something tells me this isn't the first time I'll see him. I put on my headphones, close the door and start walking over to the school. But my mind won't stop thinking about him.

Serena: Hey Ash, what song are you listening to?

Ash: The greatest

Serena: Does that mean your own songs

Ash: Nope!

Serena: Then who's?

Ash: Its a secret

Serena: If you don't tell me I will take your headphones

Ash: Hey that's blackmail

We talked and laughed on the way to school only to then finally get spotted but it wasn't him who spotted me it was Serena spotting him.

Serena: Calem? Is that you?

Calem: Hm? Oh Serena its so good to see you

Serena: You bet! How long has it been since the last time we talked

Calem: I don't know probably around 4 or 3 years

Serena: Wow, that's long

Calem: It sure is!

Calem's gaze then fell on me and he scowled. From a smile came a frown and Serena noticed but he didn't reply. I'm guessing he's now onto me and if he is walking the same direction then that could only mean one thing. He goes to the same school.

Calem: Hey A-A-Ash long time no s-s-see

Ash: Same to you Camel

Calem: Oh it seems that the Ass is back

Ash: Wow, so original Camel

Calem: Oh shut up Ketchup!

Ash: Wow, you know great quality insults Camel

Calem: Shut up! Don't tell me you also go to Kalos High Ass

Ash: Oh my what a coincidence, guess we will be seeing more of each other Camel

Calem: Shut the hell up! You're really making me pissed!

Ash: Oh and what are you gonna do about it C-A-M-E-L Camel

With that I turned around and walked of. Man! First my dad then Serena(which I don't mind) and now its my long life time rival Cam- oh, wait Calem. How else will this school year end up badly. I walked through the school gates only to the get swarmed by students and one in particular  .Gary. Please don't tell me he told my secret I thought he will keep it a secret then again it could of have been Camel since he hates my guts.

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