The Decision

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Ash's P.O.V

It has been 3 days now since Calem has challenged me to a musical battle and today is the day I give him the answer even if its difficult. But the problem is whether I am making the right decision.


Ash: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Really!? Again!?!?!

Pikachu: pika chu chu( You didn't set an alarm so.......)

Ash: Alright,alright I get it! Now I need to take a shower

Pikachu: Pika pika chu( enjoy your day!)

Ash: Remind me why do I have you?

Pikachu: Pika chu chu pika chu( Because I'm your bestfriend and thats that)

Ash: Riiiiiiight

Whatever. I didn't need him anyway. Oh, who am I kidding withought him I'll be lonely,  he has a point. I walked into the bathroom and 5 minutes later I was downstairs and waiting for breakfast. After that Serena came downstairs.

Serena: Mornin' Ash!

Ash:Hm, Oh mornin' Sere!

Serena: Took you long enough to realise, so what are you doing


Serena: ASH!

Ash: Hm, you need something

Serena: Listnen, what are you thinking about that you're spacing out?


Serena: AS-

Ash: I can hear you, you don't need to shout

Serena: Then whats wrong?

Ash: ...................................................................

Serena: You know, I'm gonna make breakfast you're probably hungry

Ash: .....................................................................................................................

Serena: *sigh*

Serena's P.O.V

I think that something is wrong but then again maybe he is just hungry. I walked into the kitchen and after 5 or 10 minutes later I made some delicious pancakes and brought them into the dining room.

Serena: Breakfast is served!

Ash: Thanks Serena

Serena: Your welcome, its my own recipe

Ash: Can't wait to try these

Serena: Well go for it then

He was about to take a bite. But stopped.

Serena: What's wrong? They smell bad?

Ash: No! They smell fine, its just that I'm not hungry

Okay, somethings DEFINANTLY wrong! Since when was Ash not hungry? Now I'm worried!

Serena: Alright thats it!

Ash: Hm?

Serena: Ash, tell me right now whats wrong!

Ash: Nothings wrong Sere!

Serena: Then why are you not eating!

Ash: Because I'm not hungry!

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