Part 8: Pitiful Children

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"We need to talk

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"We need to talk." Fred said as soon as the door opened. A stunned and angry looking Steven was standing there, hands on his hips, shock on his face.
"Please?" Brooklyn chimed in.
"ohthankthelord" Steven muttered.
"It's about the alien." Fred added quietly.
"Um" Steven murmured.
"Don't bother lying, we picked up the signal using a refined version of my dad's tech." Fred called, looking bored.
"I--" Steven began, but he couldn't think of any excuses, so he let them in.
Fred glanced around and was surprised to see no signs of a fight. "Did you overpower it that easily?' he asked curiously.
"O-Overpower?" Steven's mind drew a blank. "What do you mean?"
"Y'know. Was it that easy to beat?" Brooklyn explained.
"Wha-- I mean, uh, yeah. So, I guess it's taken care of and you can go now. Bye." Steven gave a nervous grin.
"You're a bad actor." Fred gloated, cocking an eyebrow towards the basement door. "It's in there, right?"
Steven attempted to grab Fred's arm as he reached for the doorknob, twisting it just in time for Steven to pull his hand off and shove him away. (Don't worry, Brooklyn caught him) He sprinted down the stairs, franticly calling to Haden.
"Oh, so that's how we're going to play it." Fred sneered, scrambling after him.
When they reached the basement, they found Haden curled up in a ball on his bed, trying desperately to hide. He was sweating and crying, and he had lost his gloves in all the panic. Steven couldn't bear to see him this way, so helpless and afraid. "Stay away from him!" he cried, rushing to stand in front of Haden.
"Oh, so it has a gender now does it?" Fred asked cockily. "You've grown attached, haven't you?"
"So what if I have?" Steven shot back.
"Why do you care about that creature?" Fred pried, his face registering genuine confusion.
"Because— Because he's my friend and I care about him."
"Friend? Aliens aren't our friends." Fred spat the word out like it was a bad tasting medicine.
"Well he's mine!" Steven retorted as he shifted on his feet to block Haden from view.
"These beasts are never gong to be our friends. They're dangerous and savage and they need to be detained." Fred hissed.
Haden's blood boiled. Those were all lies. "We're not dangerous. We never wanted to hurt you. Those are lies spread by your human leaders so you think you're doing the right thing. You know what really goes on in those places? Torture and testing. They break us down, bit by bit. They take our sanity, our blood sweat and tears, our skin and hair, our very being. We didn't want this fight. Please—" Haden choked on his words and Steven turned just in turn to catch him as he fell. {yeet romance tropes}
Fred was speechless. His normally cold and calculating gaze that only let up when he was with Brooklyn was gone, replaced with a face of shock and disgust.
"Hey babe, you okay down there?" Brooklyn called as he stepped into the basement.
"I- I told you not to call me that in public." Fred fretted.
"Yeah, this isn't public." Brooklyn replied, rolling his eyes as if to say 'can you believe this guy?'
"So what's it gonna be?" Steven asked cautiously.
"Y'know what? Fuck it. My parents don't give a shit about me, I doubt they'd actually care about anyone else either. This makes way more sense. Especially considering how completely different you look from the description." Fred gestured to Haden.
"Uh, am I missing something?" Brooklyn chimed in.
"Basically, aliens aren't actually the bad guys, it's the scientists like my parents." Fred explained.
"Ooohhh, yeah okay." Brooklyn nodded.
~~Time Squip~~
"So your hands change colors according to your emotions, the rest of you is changeable at will but you have a natural skin tone. So, do you blush or no?" Fred asked, examining Haden's hands with great interest.
Steven felt a spear of jealousy lodge between his ribs, poking  and scratching at his heart. He grabbed Haden's hands away from Fred and to the obvious relief of his boyfriend.
"No I don't think so. Steven does quite a lot though." Haden answered as he shot Steven an odd look. Steven seemed appalled that Haden mentioned it, glancing at his lap and not saying a word.
"What are we going to do then?" Brooklyn asked.
"We help them of course." Fred answered as if it was obvious.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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