0 2 - Loneliness

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"It's stupid, isn't it? How you can go your whole life without something you never know you needed. But as soon as you've had it and it's gone, you're never the same again"

- Ranata Suzuki


Has it been days, weeks, month, since Rebecca had last seen a single person?

Who knows? She lost track on how many days the sun came down to welcome the moon, and the moon went down to greet the sun.

She risked everything to get back to the way it was before the world became so empty and cold, but it seemed like the harder she tried to remember what she had done before all of this had happened, the more she became paranoid, clearly shown on how her eyes were so shaken up. It was ironic, she spent most of childhood, alone, where everyone left her to fend for themselves but here she was alone for merely a month, and she was losing it.

She ached so sickeningly to hear the insensitive sound of the slammed door in the morning and night, by the very parents who never expected her birth. That's what the loneliness did to people. She realized this now, they turned the things you had once hated to something you would want to happen again—over, and over—so you know you were never alone in the world. And in her instance, she grew up loathing sound of her parent's silent treatment, but now, she wanted to hear it one last time.

Rebecca blamed herself for causing the mess. The world had become like this for solely one reason. The spawn of the devil, something her parents had spoken about many times when they came home to see her on her stomach as she would draw something that would later on become true. No matter how many times she did it, Adela saw it as a gift, but in the eyes of her parents, they saw her as a threat, almost like she was the sin, herself.

The picture she had painted was exactly like how the world had become now. Her unusual ability made this chaotic change, and she was the only one to be held accountable for the deaths of millions.

She was a killer, and she'll have to live with it for the rest of her life.

Though Rebecca confessed, she was rather lonely, never did the girl ever imagined she was becoming insane after she overheard the voice of a yell in the far distance "Vanya!"

It felt like air got caught in her lungs as she heard the heavy thumping in her chest. There was no way someone survived. She searched the entire place, to every corner, and every tunnel, and after weeks, she found nothing. Her mind was playing some ill trick on her, and she knew it, but she couldn't believe it, she was desperate for someone.

"Ben!" Again, she heard the cry again, and she did the only thing her impulses had to commend her to do, she dropped everything and ran, to find the very voice, because he had given her hope.

She didn't know for sure if she was grieving over madness, or from content, but she felt tears streamed down her face as her lanky legs took her toward the voice of a boy, "Dad!"


And she abruptly stopped, more-like frozen, that there was someone who was breathing beside her and it happened to be a boy who collapsed on his both of his knees in a uniform, it brought back the nostalgia remnants of the same position she was once in, like him.

And she abruptly stopped, more-like frozen, that there was someone who was breathing beside her and it happened to be a boy who collapsed on his both of his knees in a uniform, it brought back the nostalgia remnants of the same position she was on...

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