Chapter 03

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***A/N*** There is one line in this chapter that I took directly from the manga. I placed an * at the end of the sentence to note this. I didn't want to plagiarize and wanted to fully credit that line to the artist/creator since it was such a great line and felt that it should be included.


"Ow! Will you stop that? It's bad enough I have to sit here like this." I said, my temper rising every minute that I was stuck in this high back chair with my head cocked at a weird angle. Nothing I could have been doing instead of this could have been worse or less painful in my opinion.

"Oh, quit complaining. If you'd plucked your eyebrows long ago, we wouldn't be here right now mowing through over grown grass on your forehead. Not to mention you'd probably already be use to the pain by now." Stephanie argued, squinting so hard her nose wrinkled up as she tackled yet another stray hair with her deadly metal sharp tweezers.

"Well my neck hurts, so hurry it up." I had curlers in my hair and trying desperately to fight off the crink forming in my neck from looking up for so long. Not to mention that from this position, I only had an awful view of the pink ceiling to look at. Who paints their ceiling spackle pink? Does it even come in that color? I never heard of such thing, but apparently Stephanie managed to find some.

But Stephanie's pink obsession hadn't stopped there. Oh, no. When I first stepped into her bedroom, I nearly tripped over my own feet. To say that this was just a passing phase for her was completely and utterly laughable. Everything from the walls to the furniture was in pink monochromatic tones, shades, and blends. Every single knickknack, decoration, and shag carpeting was in pink. It was like someone barfed a whole lot of pink and tried to mesh all the colors together to see just what would stick.

I felt sudden sympathy for our classmate Greg. If they somehow fell in love and married, I could absolutely see them living in a two story pink house with every room in it colored in a different pink color. Flamingo, grapefruit, and neon pink would probably be a consideration. It would also take a very special type of man to live in a house decorated all in pink. I just wasn't too sure Greg knew the depth of Stephanie's obsession. I wasn't sure if there was a clinical medical term for what she had or any medication he could take to manage it all.

"I'm almost done." Stephanie said as she carefully placed the tweezers against my skin, her minty warm breath brushed up against my skin.

"Ow!" I flinched, trying to reach up and touch my face to smooth out the pain from her pinching my skin. This was like the umpteenth time she'd accidentally pinched me and not the eyebrow follicle she was gunning for. 

Slapping my hand away, "Don't touch. You'll ruin the great polish job Tammy just did on your nails."

Moving my gaze as far over as I could without moving my head, I directed my next question at Tammy, "Tell me again why I agreed to all of this again?"

"Because you had nothing better to do and you got bored staying at your empty house." Well that was half of the true. Since mom was still at the hospital and Tanner was spending the weekend over at his friend's family cabin at the lake, the house seemed suddenly so void of life. The emptiness kind of scared all my writing ambitions right out of me the longer the stale silence lingered. The idea of a girl's sleepover at Stephanie's house began sounding like a good idea. Little did I know that pain and horrors would ensue. I'd take on a poltergeist or an axed murderer than this. A lesson learned the hard and painful way.

"There. All done." Stephanie smirked as she stood up, placing the weapon of choice carefully on her carnation colored vanity. Two porcelain bears huddling close to together conspiratorially were mocking me from their perches next to the mirror. The only things that weren't pink were the hand full of photos taped to the sides of the mirror. I was surprised to find one of me among them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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