Chapter 1 :Threats and a Job

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  Victor was done with the day and wished to only return home where his six-year-old brother was waiting. He had just finished a long mission in Europe, which was not nearly as fun as people seem to think. Eager to return to his home, Victor entered his boss Yakov's office to turn in the last of the paperwork the spy needed to turn in. He rapped lightly on the door of the office before stepping inside. A balding man in his seventies sat at a large desk across the room, going over reports and sending agents to their next job.

  Once Victor set foot inside the office, the man looked up and greeted, "Evening, Agent Nikiforov. I hope that's the paperwork you promised to turn in." The silver-haired secret agent rubbed his aching head as he informed the other, "Yes, Yakov, all pretty and properly  filled in like you like it." The man huffed as he received the file containing the documents Victor had spent the last several hours on. The older man glanced at the contents to ensure that his agent was telling the truth before nodding his head and ordering, "Go home, Nikiforov, you look dead on your feet and Yura is waiting for you." Victor let a tired smile play on his lips as he sighed, "Thank you, sir." Yakov frowned, more so than normal, and said, "Don't think you're off the hook yet, Nikiforov. You still have to come in tomorrow just try to do so before three in the afternoon." Victor let out a loud groan as he walked out, only have waving goodbye to his superior.

  The moment Victor set foot in his, rather large, apartment, he was nearly taken down by a blonde ball tackling his legs. The agent, having dodged bullets and knives, was nearly knocked off his feet by his six-year-old brother. Victor wobbled but, did not fall when the child attacked. A pair of turquoise eyes looked up at him expectantly as the boy they belonged to puffed up his cheeks and pouted. Victor let out a soft chuckle as he said, "Good to see you too, Yura." The child smiled a little, unable to stay too mad at his brother. Victor ruffled the boy's chin-length blonde hair while another male walked up to the weary agent. 

  Without making eye contact, Victor lifted Yuuri and said, "Thank you again, Chris. I don't know what I'd do without you." Chris, a person with a two toned undercut and tanned skin, smirked and replied, "It was no problem, Yurio and I get along pretty well without you." Yurio hissed, much like he was imitating a cat, at the nickname he disliked. Chris barely suppressed a chuckle as Yurio clung to his older brother's shirt. Victor smiled as he rubbed the smaller boy's back soothingly. The Swiss man smiled, grabbed his bag and bid them both farewell. Yurio waved his goodbyes and placed his face against Victor's chest. 

 The boy mumbled into the dress shirt he clung to that Victor did not hear clearly. The man sat down on the couch as he asked his brother, "What was that, Yura?" The boy's blue-green eyes met with Victor's sapphire ones and repeated, "You're late!"  Victor sighed dramatically as he informed the boy,"I know but, the bad guys and Yakov were so mean. They kept me from getting home sooner." Yurio looked at his brother as he questioned, "Really, Yakov too?" Victor smiled as he raised his arms dramatically and exclaimed, "As a matter of fact, if Yakov hadn't forced me to finish my paperwork I would've been home hours ago!" Yurio frowned and said, "But, Yakov says paperwork is important." Victor's eyes widened, almost comically, as he lifted his brother and exclaimed, "More important than my amazing and ultra-cool little brother?! I think not!"

  Yurio squealed in delight as Victor swung his little body around, grip firm under the six-year-old's arms. Once they fell back onto their couch, Yurio smiled and told his brother, "I'm gonna tell Yakov to stop giving you yucky paperwork so you can come home sooner." Victor smiled, already imagining his little brother telling his boss off for giving him paperwork, and said, "Thank you, Yura. Have you already eaten?" The blonde shook his head 'no' at the same time both of their stomachs growled. Victor flushed as Yurio laughed and said, "Our tummy monsters are talking to each other." Victor laughed, a little embarrassed, and walked into the kitchen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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