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"Marry me, Lilly Cade," He repeated and I still just looked at him not knowing what to say.

"I want to have this baby with you. I want to spend the rest of my life learning how to be a good husband. I want to be the reason your last name changes. I want to marry you. I may not have a ring yet-"


"What?" He asked.

"I said yes Dally Winston. Yes I will marry you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him as tightly as I could.

When I finally pulled back I grabbed his face and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss which made me chuckle slightly.

"We're having a baby," I whispered.

"Yeah I guess we are."

"We have to go tell the gang." He pulled back and made a concerned look.

"Yeah I'm not looking forward to that."

"Why?" I laughed and we finally stood back up from where we were kneeling.

"Because one, that's your older brother who happens to be my best friend. Two, each and every one of those boys are extremely overprotective. And three, they're going to ride my ass, man." I laughed again and shook my head. He was right though.

"Well then let's just not get married," I said sarcastically and he grinned and leaned in to kiss me.

"Fine lets go," He said pulling away and grabbing my hand.


"Why not?" I got slightly nervous. This was marriage we're talking about and I'm only sixteen.

"Baby," Dally started and he sat back down beside me. "I was just kidding around. I want to tell them. I want to marry you and want everyone to know it."

And there it went. All of my nerves and doubts in a moment flew away. I was marrying Dally Winston and I was damn happy about it. I wanted to marry him and he wanted to marry me.

"Let's go," I replied and he grinned and then quickly kissed me again.

We walked to the Curtis house. I looked at everything around me and just took it all in. The way the street felt under my feet and the slight breeze that made me pull Dally a bit closer. I looked at the old house that Two-bit lives in and smiled. He's almost never home and for a moment I wondered how many Mickey Mouse shirts might possibly be in that house. When we arrived to the Curtis house we walked through the chainlink gate we had walked through a million times and I just couldn't help but smile. I loved this place. I loved Tulsa. I loved my home.

We walked in and heard familiar yelling and laughing and each member of the gang was present. Even Darry who was in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of water.

"Hey it's the love birds!" Two Bit called out and he ran over and hugged me. "We miss you two ya barely come by anymore."

"That's not true Two Bit. We were here yesterday," I replied sassily and the boys chuckled.

"Hey y'all, can Lilly and I talk to you guys for a second?" Dally asked and they all got quiet and sat down in the living room.

"Wait Dal, before we tell them can I say something?" I asked and he nodded. I motioned for him to sit as well. He sat beside Ponyboy and I took a step back so all seven of the boys were in view. I took a deep breath and pushed the tears back.

"I just want to thank you. Each of you. I don't think you boys understand what kind of hell I was going through day in and day out before I found you. Y'all pulled me out. I found who I was because of you guys. Johnny, you are the greatest brother I could ever ask for. You're smart, encouraging, and we just get each other. Sometimes I feel like you're the only person in the world that can feel what I feel. I think that's why God made us siblings. I love you and I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me. Ponyboy, I've always considered you my best friend. The way you see the world and people is inspiring. I've always wanted to see myself through your eyes because when you look at me you make me feel confident and content with myself. You're so bright and witty and there's never a moment when I'm with that I wish I was with someone else. Steve, you're such a good guy. I know you like to put up this whole front where you're mr reckless and being a greaser is the only thing you care about but I love the real you so much. I know we aren't as close as the rest of the boys, but I have always admired you. And when I see the way you look at Evie I know you're going to make a great husband one day. Two-Bit, I love you so damn much. There was a time in my life where your humor and sarcasm genuinely kept me going. You see fun and excitement in everything and I love that about you so please don't ever lose your childlike mind and your fire. It's highly appreciated. Darry, I never had a dad that loved me. And I know you're only a few years older than me, but you don't act like it. You're mature and selfless and you would take a bullet for me and every boy in here and that means the world to me. I've always looked up to you more than anyone else. I love you. Soda, you're one of a kind. Truly. I look at you and I'm instantly happy. Just like that. You're constant love and affection for every person and animal you meet is my favorite part of you. You are such a beautiful person. You're radiant and I love you to the sun and back kid," I paused for a moment and looked at Dallas. "Dal, I was always in love with you. Even when I didn't know you. It's like a part of me knew that I would be spending the rest of my life with you. You are everything to me. We just work, you know? Your chaos and dangerousness and my calmness and quietness just balance each other out. I would love a thousand life times to be with you. And if I had to give the rest of my life just to hug you one last time, I'd hold you in my arms without a doubt that I made the wrong choice. You are my first love. My only love. The love of my life." I felt a tear Dal and I saw that all of the boys were trying not to cry. "I am who I am because of you seven boys. You pulled me out of hell. And you brought me to heaven. And I just want you to know that." Dallas got up and quickly grabbed my face and kissed me. And then hugged me tightly. The rest of the boys did the same as well. Sodapop was crying pretty hard. But Soda always cries.

"Ready?" I asked Dally and he grinned.

"Hey guys, we got something to tell you." Dally said getting their attention once again. "Johnny," Dal started. "Can I get your blessing to marry your sister?" Everyone got quiet and Johnny looked down at the ground and smiled.

"You gonna treat her right Dal?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"I plan on treating her like a queen for the rest of her life Johnny Cade." Johnny and Dallas shook hands and Two-Bit hollered and grabbed me and threw me in the air.

"Easy Two, you may hurt the baby." I said and everyone got quiet again and Dallas chuckled.

"You're kidding." Soda said with the most serious face I had ever seen him wear.

"We found out today." I answered.

They all stood frozen and I laughed at their scared expressions.

"Guys it's okay! This is a good thing. Dally and I are happy about it. Plus this baby is going to have six amazing uncles to help take care of it."

Darry was the first to hug me this time. The rest of the boys just slowly smiled. And started congratulating us.

I was marrying Dallas. I was having a baby. Life was good. Yeah, this is good.

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