Chapter 2 - The Fall

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"So Mako tell me a little about yourself."

Metatron, we don't have time for this.

Be cool man, we'll deal with this in a minute.

"Oh, Well for starters my family just moved here, we moved from a pretty famous place." Mako laughed at her inside joke. "Now it's your turn, you say something interesting."

"Okay, well my brother and I are from a famous place to." Metatron grins.

"Hmmm... I like french fries." Mako grabs a handful of fries, and shoves them in her mouth.

This girl is odd... are all devil women like this?

I don't know, I'm an Angel of Death, not a watcher. You'd know better then I would.

I'm a scribe, why would I know, I just know the fine print of heaven.

Regardless, Metatron, it's been three hours since we left school, can you two be done with your date now, I have an hour till I fall.

Fine, fine, fine... we'll do this. Akihiro stands up. "Would you like to accompany us to the park, so we can finish out this day?"

"Sure, I don't see why not." Mako follows Akihiro to the park, and Kenji follows behind.


What now?

Why does heaven, want her killed, she doesn't seem that dangerous to me.

What happened, I thought you were ready for this.

I never said I wasn't I was just questioning what Micheal's plan for this was.

"Mako I have a surprise for close your eyes." Mako smiled and did as was asked of her.

(Y/n), it's time

Akihiro and Kenji were enveloped in a blinding light, the sudden appearance of the light caused Mako to open her eyes. "W-what's going on?" The light died down, revealing two Beings with Halos, and beautiful snow white wings. "Y-you're Angels."

"That we are Mako Astaroth, and you are a Devil." Metatron spreads his wings, and ascends into the air. "Like you Lady Astaroth, we two are important fixtures in our homes. For I am the Scribe of God, Metatron. And my brother is Gods weapon, The Angel of Death, (Y/n)." Metatron opens his book, he always carries around, and begins to chant. Golden chains appear around Mako's arms, and bind her to the ground. Steam rises from Mako, as the light from the chains burn her flesh. "Astaroth, like you and the rest of your putrid race, you've committed the ultimate sin, of just existing." Mako let's out an agonizing scream of pain. "Cry all you want you're about to receive divine judgement." Metatron reads out another spell, and a third chain wraps around Mako's neck. "May the Judgment commence, the Golden chains of heaven shall find if you have committed sin, and if you're found guilty, the Angel of Death shall strike you down."


"Silence, (y/n), it is now up to heaven to judge her now."

"Metatron, what's going on with you, you've never used the chains of heaven of a devil before."

"I said Silence! You're an Angel of Death, once the Chains are summoned, you must do as they judge. And so shall I. Now summom Seraphim, so that we can return to heaven."

"Metatron, what's going one with you?"
The Golden chains tighten, and begin to squeeze Mako.

"The Chains have past Judgement, now do as they command, and summon Seraphim, and kill her!"


"Do as they command!"

"Come forth Golden Bow of Holy Light, Seraphim!" The Golden Bow appears in your hands, and you draw the arrow back.

"Good, now do as you were commanded, and finish off this devil." You release the arrow and it hits the chains, releasing Mako. "What in the hell is wrong with you!"

"Metatron... I won't kill her, because Micheal didn't order me to..."


"He's right you know." A Red haired devil appeared in front of you and Metatron. "Archangel Micheal, informed me of everything."

"Rias Gremory." Metatron growled.

"Metatron, I wasn't asked to kill Mako, I was asked to kill someone else."

Metatron lands back on the ground. "Then who was it (y/n)? Was it me."


"Just question: why?"

"Metatron, Micheal knows about your plan to take over Heaven."

Metatron grins, and laughs. "You could have some much power, (y/n), you and I could rule heaven together. We could've gotten rid of those stupid Archangels."

"Metatron, that wasn't possible and you know it."

"Whatever, I guess I'll have to start my plan sooner then I thought." Metatron reads from his book, and the chains wrap around Mako's body again.

"Mako!" Issei rushes over, and tries to break the chains, but he only burns his hands.

"Issei stop!" Rias shouts. You draw another arrow back, but before you could fire the Arrow, Metatron finishes his incantation and the chains squeeze the life out of Mako. The chains then wrap around both Issei and Rias.

"Metatron stop this now!"

"Heaven's, wrath will shine down on all those who have sinned, cleanse the world of all those who are unpure. Golden Chains of Heaven, pass judgment and smite all sinners."

Damn it! You hold Seraphim out in front of you. "Golden Bow of Heaven, transform and slay all even." Seraphim, becomes surrounded by a bright light. "Golden Bow of Heaven Balance Breaker!" The Bow transforms into a long golden sword, with ruins written along the blade. "Metatron!" Holy fire erupts along the blade, and you lung towards Metatron.

"Good bye you devil scu..." Seraphim Pierces through his chest, and Metatron collapses into your arms.

"Metatron, I'm sorry."

Metatron coughs up blood. "T-that w-was anticlimactic huh?"


"The story of the scribe... influenced by the miss treatment by an Archangel, Which lead to him starting a revolt, only to be struck down by the Angel of Death. The one friend the scribe thought he had."

"I'm sorry Metatron."

"D-Don't apologize... you sacrificed enough to stop me, don't lose your pride. You already lost your Halo, and you're wings and as black as night. J-jus..." blood pours out of his mouth. "Just let me die In peace." You pull Seraphim out of his chest, and it turns back into a bow. You lay Metatron on the ground, and he slowly takes his last breath. Good bye friend. Your now, pitch black wings, disappear and you turn to the two devils behind you.

"What are you going to do now?" Issei asked.

"I can't return to heaven, I'm a fallen now."

"Then come with us." Rias said. "There is always a spot available to join me."

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