Cole meeting the guys

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Angel pov

Endelig helg!! Eg gjekk ut dørene av skolen sammen med Cole. Kver dag siden min andre dag så har han henta meg og kjørt meg hjem. "Angel? Do you maybe wanna hangout this weekend?" Han var tydeligvis nervøs  "sure! But you have to come to me, my father and uncles what to approve you. They are really overprotective" han bare lo. Me satt oss i bilen hans og satt på musikk. Eg sang får full hals hele veien hjem.

Et par timer senere

Det ringte på døren. Det er nok Cole "I'll get it!" Eg sprang til døren og smilte. "Hey!" Eg ga han ein klem. "Dad, my friend is her!" Han såg nervøs ut. "Don't worry, I told them to be nice." Han ga meg et smil "dad and uncles this here I'd my friend Cole, Cole this is Uncle Louis, Uncle Niall, Uncle Zayn, Uncle Harry and dad Liam."sa eg mens eg peikte på dem. Han hilste på alle sammen. "Sorry Cole, i have to go to the bathroom, just meet me at my room"

Cole POV

As fast as she went they started to fold me with questions. And I answered them ofcourse as good and respectful as I could. "Uhhmmm where is her room?" I asked. Harry pointed me to the direction and I went. I opened a door and bingo. Her room. It's actually very beautiful, just like her. I sat down in her bed and went on my phone. I suddenly got a text from Dylan

D: yo bro, where are you?

C: I'm at Angels house, i told you that

D: right, right.

C: did you want something 

D: nah, just wanted to annoy you.

I laughed, my stupid brother. The door opened revealing one of the prettiest girls alive. And I'm planning on doing it today. I'm gonna try at least.

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