~ Chapter 8 ~

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Yasmin's POV

I sighed in frustration and sadness as the world around me continued to shift in and out of existence as if characters from my past were fighting for control. All my memories were poisoning my mind, memories I had tried so hard to forget. The "not" Doctor was staring at me with expressionless but mocking eyes as she glitched between figures. I threw my arms and pulled my hair in anger and confusion and frustration as I looked up to see my sister.

Sonya smirked at me, an evil smirk that sent a cold shiver down my spine, hatred and spite swam in her eyes. With a giggle she said, "A lonely little girl, a little cry-baby abandoned by her friends, no body likes you." She said in a patronising, mocking voice.

I shifted from foot to foot, staring at the floor trying to ignore her as she carried on, "You hate me, you always hated me, I was the favourite, I had the best friends, the best clothes, the best makeup, the best life, and you despised that." She added with a giggle.

"That's not true!" I screamed, the emotions reaching a point beyond control, "Stop! Stop! Stop! Just STOP!" I crouched down on the floor curling my arms around my knees and trying to breathe, "Please... stop." I whispered, my voice breaking as a tear rolled down my cheek. I closed my eyes and tried to think of happy memories, I pushed the stabbing feelings of isolation and pain away and tried to think of my friends.

My life was great... why was I doing this to myself, I have Graham, he's like a second dad, always there to give you a hug (Or a fist bump) (Or even a sandwich) when you need one, and Ryan, like an adopted brother, I thought about all the amazing places we visited, waterfalls made of diamonds and alien markets, we saw advanced aliens way beyond humans in intelligence and got into all sorts of mischief together, I sadly smiled and laughed as I sat on the floor, my arms still wrapped comfortingly around my legs as I thought about the Doctor.

The real Doctor not the mocking shell before me, I thought about her eyes and her smile, her soft hands, her messy hair, he cute laugh and adorable nose scronch, I thought about the feeling in my stomach whenever I saw her and the way my heart sped up whenever we touched. I finally felt calm.

"Yaz?" A sincere voice echoed, it sounded like-

"Doctor?" I stood up and frantically looked round the room.

"It's me, I manged to establish a psychic link to the room your in, and reach the AI controlling the room, this won't last long so listen." I looked towards the figure in front of me, the sound seemed to be coming from there but the "not" Doctor had reverted to a blank, forwards facing stare.

"Okay I'm listening." I breathed shaking my hands and trying to stay calm.

"Stay put, stay exactly where you are, I am with the others, don't pay attention to anything around you, I'm not sure what's wrong with her but the TARDIS may try to attack you... emotionally."

I let out a sigh of relief, "Okay." I whispered and sank back to the floor.

"Oh and Yaz..."

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"I- " The voice cut off and the figure's face snapped back to staring at me, I rolled my eyes and put my face in my knees, what was the Doctor going to say.

Thanks for reading :) Just a little note to say I didn't proof read this because I just want to get all my ideas down so sorry if this is absolute trash lmao. But feel free to vote and let me know how you're finding this. <3

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