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"Are you crazy?" Loki whispered harshly.

"Yes." Kai bent down and pulled out the tiny blade she kept in her shoe, which was an old pencil shapener.

She crept over to the prison's lock and inserted the blade into the keyhole.

"The guards will pass by and see you! Then we'll really be as good as dead!!" Loki hissed in her ear.

"We have a two minute gap before they come by, I timed it now shut up and trust me."
Kai easily picked the lock and as quietly as possible she opened the squeaky cell door.

Loki winced at the noise, obviously doubting she was right.

"Beg your pardon??" Noah demanded.

Saffi strode closer to their group, her mind brewing with anger.
"I overheard something about what this quest is really about and you won't like it."

She watched Noah, Raven, Evan, and Lucas all exchanged confused glances.

"Its to cure Kai??" Lucas said, though his tone sounded unsure of it himself.

"What would it be if it weren't?" Evan spoke up.

"Its a phony." Saffi exclaimed and the group all squinted at her suspiciously, all other than Morgana, who's brown eyes glared at her.

"What is your proof?" Noah crossed his arms over his chest, radiating different levels of heat than that of a normal human. Either he was mad or he knew where this was going, and he was a part of it.

"Fortunately for you," Saffi glared back at Morgana. "The evidence I did have was bewitched to dissolve when someone who wasn't supposed to, touched it. Other than that, you'd have to trust my word."

"Even if we did trust you, which we don't, what is your word?" Lucas asked.

"An eavesdropped conversation between the other two Divons." She declared, pausing to let it sink in. Carefully, Saffi watched Morgana to see if she could catch her breaking her act as the confused innocent bystander.

She didn't, so Saffi continued in the elaboration of her story.

"Two hours after you all departed for your quest, which I should've been apart of to begin with, anyways, I have never trusted the Divons, as you may have suspected. And neither of the other two looked happy about Morgana being apart of the quest. So I followed them back to their cabin without them realizing my presence.
They kept saying how they didn't want to do this, whatever this is, they never explained.
They kept saying how they wished things were different, that they hadn't made that promise. How they didn't like how their own mother was just using them to make her own plan happen.
They kept fidgeting and looking over their shoulders nervously. Like they had been for a couple months now if you've noticed.
They also send letters to anonymous receivers. Seeing owls fly above my cabin two to three times a day, I decided to do some more snooping. Yesterday morning I sat on the cabin's roof and shot down the first owl that flew past.
However, since the letter was bewitched I only caught one line which said-"

"We are wasting time." Morgana cut her off. "Every minute we delay Kai, Loki, and Nico could be getting closer to death."

The group all looked at Lucas for some reason before continuing their conversation.

"Lucas is still here so she is to." Evan said.

"You're just trying to keep them from knowing that Dani wrote 'All is prepared' on the letter?" Saffi blurt out before Morgana could interrupted.

Morgana's face clouded with anger.

"If what you're saying is true, then what is your theory as to why they would betray us?" Noah said, ever the peacemaker, jumped in before Saffi started to throw fists with her.

"This quest is a phony because the whole prophecy was a plot to get Kai out of Camp Half Blood.
Morgana used her magic, the exact spell was called 'Imperio', to hypnotize Rachel Elizabeth Dare and made her expel their carefully crafted prophecy." Saffi huffed.

"Okay, but how did you find this out? And how did you even find us in the depth of the woods?" Lucas asked, his sky blue eyes clouded over like the sun was being blocked by the clouds.

"There so happened to have been a Minister of Magic stop at Camp Half Blood a while back after the prophecy had been told.
Which I may or may not have overheard his warning to not use magic outside of Hogwarts for another month since she wasn't over age yet." Saffi smirked. "And I found you with the help of two someones, say hello to my little tracking friends."

The group turned to the patch of woods where she shifted her body towards.

A majestic white wolf came bounding out, prancing over the grass.

"Meet Valerye Thomas." Saffi patted the dog's head.

"The dog has a last name?" Evan snorted while he bent down and stroked the wolf's muzzle.

The wolf sneezed and sat down on her hindquarters.

"Actually I'm not a dog." A very much human voice came from the dog.
Before their eyes Valerye's dog form shifted, stretching and twisting into a more human silhouette.

The fur on her head turned brilliant red and grew past her now human shoulders.

"You're a girl?" Evan stumbled backwards on all fours.

Saffi chuckled inwards at his horrified expression.

"You can come out too Londyn!" Valerye called.

"Why would I 'come out' I'm not -nevermind." Another dog, on the smaller side, with dark blue fur and strange light blue patterns pranced to Valerye's side.

Just like Valerye had done, Londyn shifted in seconds.

Their dark blue hair was shaved on their right side and hang loose in their eyes on the other. Blue facial tattoos surrounded their eyes like a raccoon's glasses.
They popped their hand on their hip where a navy hoodie was tied around.

"Wow." Evan whispered staring at them.

Their momentary distraction continued as they admired the two shapeshifters.

"For your information, I'm taken." Valerye looked at her nails, picking invisible dirt out from under them as her red hair blew about her face.

"For your information, my pronouns are they, them, or their, got it? Unless I say otherwise." Londyn chipped in.

They nodded to show their comprehension.

"How are you able to shapeshift?" Lucas wondered aloud.

"For me," Valerye began, "I'm a child of Lupa, the Roman goddess of wolves, with a little help of being a werewolf and having the wolf as an animagus."

The rest of the group looked slightly unnerved by this information, but quickly got over it and turned to Londyn when they started to speak.

"I'm a child of Loki." Is all they said.

"A child of our friend who is like twelve, Loki?" Raven raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"No, as in the Norse god Loki." Londyn replied.

"We need to get back on track now, why do you think the Divons created this whole prophecy?" Noah steered the topic of conversation back on track.

"Right, ahem, I have been led to believe that since Hecate, Kymophelia, and Khoine all had a hand in Kai's story, they are trying to use her to overthrow the gods, with the Divons as her backup seeing as the three of them are Wizard, Elf, and Demigod.
And I think this phony quest was to get rid of those closest to her and thus being able to manipulate Kai into joining their side of the war."

"Where is she now? Tell us if you're so smart." Morgana waved her hand dismissively in Saffi's direction warning a growl from both Londyn and Valerye.

"Hades has her, if you looked at the wreck there is evidence of this. And I'd say we don't have much longer before he kills her. Her being a threat to the gods and all, if he was smart he'd get rid of her as quickly as possible."

Sorry this took so long! Hope it was worth the wait- Agent Emily

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