Chapter 1

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The colours slowly faded from the buildings seeming as though it was mocking my depressing ass. The heavy pouring rain only made it worse. My hoodie was completely soaked and stuck to my skin uncomfortably.

Things couldn't get any worse.

I literally fucking got splashed on by a speeding car the minute I thought that. Today was definitely not my day. Let's see, it only needs lightning to complete my reign of bad-

You have got to be kidding me!

A bolt of damn lightning lit up the sky. Completely and utterly done with life, I managed to drag my fat ass back to my dorm room where an oh so patient roommate was waiting for me.


"So? How did the surprise go? Give me the details girl!'' Kimberly Trans, my roommate who is definitely not transgender, ran up to my face, bouncing on her heels.

Oh, I was definitely surprised for sure.

"What happened D?" She watched as I headed straight to the bathroom to get these suffocating clothes off.

She was standing by the doorway watching me blow-dry my hair with her hands folded across her chest, a frown settled upon her face and that stupid look. The look I had grown very fond of. The look that I hate the most. Pity.

"Love is poisonous to my life." I mumbled, placing the blow-dryer down and walked past her, over to my bed. I buried my head in my pillows hoping it would muffle my sobs.

Who is this poison we speak of? Three words.

Zayn. Fucking. Malik.

"Did...did something happen D?" Kim sat besides me and rubbed my shoulders. I raised up and hugged her, resting my head on her shoulders as I sobbed loudly.

"There there. " She patted my back.

"He...he...I fucking hate him, Kim." I choked out.

"Alright, sleep D and we'll speak tomorrow. Okay?" I nodded and lay back down. She sighed and walked over to the lamp and turned it off. Whatever happened next, I don't know because I was already fast asleep.


I woke up with my  body sprawled out on the bed in four directions. My mouth was slightly ajar and a little bit of drool visible.

"God D! Get up or we'll be late for classes!" a pillow smacked my face. I groaned and flipped onto my stomach, continuing my wonderful dream about giant cupcakes.

"Dianne! It's the first day of the semester, we can't be late or Principal Smithers is going to have our head on a platter. For real this time." she whined and sat on my back.

"Get off me you big beluga!" I shouted and rolled over causing her to fall down. Fits of giggles left my mouth as she rubbed her ass. She threw a glare which I returned with a flying kiss. She cracked a smiled and headed towards the kitchen.

"Chop chop! Hurry or I swear to god I will burn you with my straightening iron." I rolled my eyes at her empty threats.

Slamming the bathroom door shut, I quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed my face. I plucked out the clothing my eyes first landed on because I was too lazy to search through the jungle I call a closet. I pulled on a blue, reasonably comfortable, jeans and a t-shirt that had the words 'I don't want to taco bout it'. Under that was a taco followed by 'Its nacho problem'. Very punny must I say.

I made sure to grab my headphones because what's life without music?

"Dianne!" my roommate yelled and I literally dragged my foot whiles walking over to her.

"I'm finished, geez. Quit shouting or I might go deaf soon."

"Yeah well if we don't hurry up then we will definitely turn deaf after an earful from Principal Smither." she grabbed her bag and we left our dorm. Did I mention that we were also running to make it for assembly? I still don't get why we need an assembly. Apparently, it's their only way to make announcements. The school won a trophy, big whoop.

By the time we reached assembly, we were panting like maniacs. Principal Smither glared at us as we sheepishly waved at him. Our assembly was set up in such a way that the boys were in one line and the girls in the other. And the lines were formed according to our majors. Thankfully, Kimberly was in my major.

"Good morning students of Dayton University! Welcome back to the new semester and let us start by saying the school's pledge." Mrs. Denver announced.

Everyone made groaning sounds but complied anyway.

"I am responsible for my actions and behaviours today. I will listen do my work and learn. I will respect my teachers, feelings, properties and rights of others. I will be a good citizen by doing what is right for others and myself." I let out a long breath after that.

"Today we have some important news to announce. I would like to introduce to you, your new Vice Principal Ms. Stacy Cavenaugh. She will also be in charge of the social science department." Thank God it wasn't our department. The woman was huge. Like hippopotamus huge.

Dianne and I shared funny looks as she walked up on stage.

"Hello everyone. I am Ms. Stacy Cavenaugh and I hope you treat me well." She said and shook Principal Smither's hand.

When will this assembly be over?

After twenty minutes wasted in assembly, we departed to our classes. I had English Lit and so did Kim. We made a bunch of hilarious jokes about Ms. Cavenaugh.

"I bet she can't even fit though my bedroom door." Kim laughed and so did I.

"Oh my God! Why is your boyfriend making out with the slut?" She gaped, then stared at me for an explanation.

"Um...we broke up. Last night." I whispered.

"Honey, you know what? We're gonna binge watch 13 reasons why and stuff our faces with pistachio ice cream tonight." She hugged me sideways. Zayn was running his hands all over Gwen's body while they sucked each other's faces off.

They broke apart and that's when our eyes met. He was a gorgeous human being. His jaw could slice though a glass. Don't get me started on his beautiful lashes.

He smirked and intertwined his hands with Gwen's. I frowned. We were so happy together. We shared everything with each other. I gave him my heart and what did he do? Stomp all over it. Ruined it all for some walking STD.

"D! Are you listening?" A hand waved infront my face.

"Sorry what?"

"Let's get to class yeah? And then when we get home, we'll make a list of ways to torture him." She smiled.

"God, you scare me sometimes Kim." I laughed as we headed into class.

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