Chapter 2

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"Popcorn or lays?" Kimberly shouted from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Popcorn, duh"I replied, switching the television on. I loaded up Netflix and clicked on 13 Reason Why.

"So I mixed some beer in here and the  ice cream is in the fridge awaiting its doom." Kim said plopping herself beside me on the sofa.

I chuckled and clicked the first episode.

Hey, it's Hannah. Hannah Baker. That's right. Don't adjust your...whatever device you're hearing this on. It's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore, and this time, absolutely no requests. Get a snack. Settle in. Because I'm about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically why my life ended.

One hour later and Kim kept shouting at the screen, wasting her popcorn.

"Oh my god! Justin You fucking moron!" Kimberly threw a handful of popcorn at the tv. I shook my head at her. "How could you let him to that to her?"

"Kim chill. It's just a show." I watched her.

"I love him and all but that was such a douche move." She sighed and braced back.

"Apparently it's contagious." I shrugged and popped some popcorn in my mouth. Kimberly picked the remote up and paused the episode.

"You never did tell me what happened last night." she turned her body to me. I stared straight ahead at nothing in particular.

"D?" she whispered placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinched away and gave her a tight-lipped smile.

"I don't want to talk about it. Please, let's just continue the show." I mumbled and she nodded in understanding, playing the episode but kept giving me sideways glances to make sure I was alright every now and then.

We had fallen asleep sometime after the third episode. I woke up to the smell of bacon and the rays of sunlight that struggled to seep through my eyelids.

"What time is it?" I groaned and sat upright. My neck and back were killing me so I tried massaging it a little.

"Look who finally decided to wake up?" an unfamiliar voice said.

I looked up and rubbed away my blurry vision. The figure of my brother came into view.

"Lance!" I screamed and ran to hug him. He caught me with a 'humph'.

"Nice to see you too nugget." he chuckled.

I let go and watched him. He had changed. Tremendously. His short brunette hair was now long and ruffled up. He got taller over the years and had definitely been working out.

"Jules, who're you talking to?" Kim walked out of the kitchen with a plate of bacon and eggs. She then stopped abruptly when she saw Lance as he waved awkwardly. The plate dropped from her hand and shattered on the ground. We flinched but she kept staring at him. "L..Lance. When did you get back?" her eyes wide like saucers.

"Uh..this morning actually." he gave her a weird look. "Better clean that up before anyone walks on it." he pointed and turned to me. I gave her a quizzical look and she seemed as though she was suddenly pulled out of a trance.

"So, I see boarding school did you great." I poked his arm.



He swatted my hand away. "Yeah and I can see that you haven't changed one bit."

"Hey! I got taller, okay."

"Sure." he mocked and sprawled out on the sofa. I shook my head. He had changed appearance-wise but definitely not in behaviors. "So, any hooks dropped in your life yet?"


"You know, met any cove?"

"Lance, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Have you met any male species I should know about!" he shouted, throwing his hands up for exaggeration.

"You could've just said that from the beginning you twat." I sat beside him. "And no to answer your question."

"You and I both know that you're lying." he turned to watch me.


"What i-" he was cut off by a hiss. We turned to the direction of the sound and saw Kim kneeling down with a bloody finger. In a blink of an eye, Lance was beside her.

How did he - when did he- nevermind.

I turned the tv on to see SpongeBob playing. Nice.

Why does Squidward take baths when he lives underwater? Weird.

"Nugget! We're out of milk! Could you go grab some?" Lance shouted and I shouted back a 'sure'.

I grabbed some money with a hat and black hoodie, then left.

The supermarket wasn't far so it was just a bus ride away.

After buying the creamy goodness, I walked along the pavement about to make a turn around the corner when I crashed into someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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