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just fucking focus.

don't focus

on the fact that you can't focus


on the fucking lesson

your grades are dropping

your parents

your teachers

they say

"she's a good student"

"she just needs to try"

but can't they see?

you are trying

you're trying your hardest


they can't see that

all they see

is you slacking off

all they see

is your Ds

your Fs

your tests

your failed tests

that you just couldn't study for

because you didn't have the notes

because you didn't take the notes

and you didn't do the homework

because you couldn't focus

you start doubting yourself

am i really trying my best?

if im doing so badly

if im failing

am i really trying?

you reassure yourself


you are trying.

you're trying your hardest.

so you tell them

you tell your parents

dad, i am trying. im trying my best.

"your best isn't good enough"

it really isn't, is it

your best

it's not good enough

no matter what you do

no matter how hard you try to succeed

to focus

something is holding you back

but you continue


unaware that something is holding you back

and you make it

it's the end of the year

the end of sixth grade.

another year flies by

another year

full of failure

full of stress

but you push through

and it's the end of seventh grade.

you keep pushing

you keep struggling

you keep suffering

through eighth grade


you find out what's been holding you back

why you're failing

what's keeping you from success


can't focus in class

can't take notes

can't do homework

can't take tests

can't do anything

but you found a solution


adderall will help.

adderall did help

but not enough

the dosage was raised




but to no avail

it didn't help

so you switch


surely, concerta will help

it did help

but not enough

so the dosage was raised



and your appetite decreases


and more

and your weight decreases


and more

and more

and you're not allowed to increase your dosage anymore

because your weight is declining excessively

is what the doctor tells you

the pill did lower your appetite

as the doctor predicted

but it doesn't anymore

you are hungry

you're starving

you just don't want to eat

and if you dont eat

you'll lose weight

and if you lose weight

you won't be allowed the medication

and if you won't be allowed the medication

you won't be able to do anything

you'd be helpless

a mess

yet again

so please

don't let it happen again

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