finals week

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eyyyyyyyyyy finals week is coming up

excluding weekends, there are only like 15 days left of school or something

how fun

all my teachers think "oh im gonna be the good teacher" so they make their finals before finals week so we (the students) don't have too much stress during finals week. the thing is, though, since every teacher is making their finals early, finals week is pretty much already here.

in history, we're making a speech that's due this sunday (finals week are in 3 weeks). still haven't written the rough draft.

in pe dance we're doing a performance on the 28th i think. still need to finish choreographing my dance and teaching it to the other people in my group and actually practicing it

in drama we wrote plays and are gonna be in them in a competition/showcase thing with judges. the show is happening on the 31st of may. we're still getting casted.

in chemistry were doing a lab that's gonna last us like 3 weeks and we have to take notes each day on the lab data and stuff on one piece of paper so we can use that as a cheat sheet for the test. so, if i mess up on one tiny thing, im screwed. also, we get a letter grade each day in that class. if we're tardy (not in our seats) by the time the second bell rings, we're late, a letter grade drops, and we have to make up 20 minutes of the class at some point. there are also a lot of other stupid rules that drop your grade for the day. also, we have to make sure to not contaminate anything. it's fun.

in literature, we have to write a manifesto, which we were already assigned to do monday.

i also have a math unit test on monday for some reason (it's not the final)

yay im so stressed

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