Chapter Twenty-two

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Cassidy Wynters

"Hey baby," I said as I stepped aside and let Zeke into my aunt's house. We didn't get to see each other today like we had planned because I had been trying to figure out the steps I needed to take in order to move forward with fostering Shannon.

"Hi my love," he said as he wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my forehead and then on my lips. "You look stressed," he said with a frown.

"Not stressed, just a little overwhelmed but I'll be fine," I said as I led him through the house and out to the backyard where we took a seat on one of the lounge chairs. He picked me up and took a seat in the chair before pulling me down into his lap.

"What did the social worker say?" he asked as he rubbed my thighs.

"Basically I'm gonna have to to get all of the requirements done to become a foster parent as quickly as possible if I wanna take her in. I can't just keep her, she has to have legal reason to be with me."

"What all do you need to do?"

"I need to apply for something called an RFA license, I need to get my home ready, which I was able to close on"

"For real?" he smiled and I nodded in excitement. Out of all the overwhelming things I had heard today, that was the best part.

"I'm happy for you baby," he said giving me a kiss

"Thanks. I'm happy about it too. Once that gets done, I have to get it inspected to be approved for the RFA, I need to take a First-Aid and Safety class and have a background check and all that criminal and health stuff done."

"Alright, well that doesn't sound too bad."

"Yea. She's still going to have to spend about two weeks in a random foster home. They won't let her stay here until I have everything figured out, so I gotta make sure I get this done as quickly as I possibly can."

"Well you know that I got your back, front, and two sides, so anything you need help with, I'm there"

"I know" I smiled "That's why you're my baby"

"Better be" he smirked and placed a kiss on my cheek. "Y'all eat yet?" he asked

"Yea, I did"

"Want ice cream?" he asked with a smirk making me smile and I nodded quickly.

"I do. I do, I doooo" I said making him laugh

"You're such a clown."

"But you love me though"

"Guilty" he shrugged

"Exactly. Can Shannon come along?"

"Of course. If you got a daughter now, I gotta include her in all the plans" he said making me smile

"You are literally such a great man. Oh my God" I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me.

"I try my best. Now come on and let's go." I got up off his lap and went inside to get Shannon, who was in bed watching TV. I knocked causing her to look over at the door

"Hey, Zeke and I are going out to get some ice cream. Wanna come?"

"No, I don't wanna intrude or anything," she said softly

"Oh please, you're not an intrusion. Put your shoes on and let's go" I said causing her to laugh.

"Yes Ma'am" she giggled as she got up from the bed. While she got ready, I went to my room and pulled on something presentable for going outside

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