The Date

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(Saiko's POV)

Today was the day me and Saiki are going on a date with each other! I'm determined to make Saiki fall in love with me, I mean, what's not to like? I'm rich, handsome, smart, oh, and did I mention rich? There's no way Saiki can't fall in love me when I'm this awesome, right?
I was in my limo driving to Saiki's house to pick him up when I saw a cat with what seemed like a broken leg on the side of the road. It probably got run over by a car or something.
I decided to help it and had my driver pull over and pick it up. Luckily my butlers have medical training so we won't have to stop at the vet and be late picking up Saiki.
My butler got out and grabbed the cat then hopped back in. He silently started treating his leg and once he was done I told him to give me the cat. He gently put the cat in my arms and watched the road as we made our way to Saiki's house.
I finally arrived at Saiki's house and the cat was still in my arms purring. I have to admit, he was pretty cute. Kind of like Saiki!
Saiki walked out of his house and got in the limo he looked to my side and saw the cat, his expression turning stern and beautiful to soft and sweet + beautiful. He must like cats!

(Saiki's POV)

I saw the cat in Saiko's lap and I read its thoughts. They went something like this: 'this human is so nice, he went out of his way to help my leg!' And 'this human is so warm, I want to stay with him forever.
His thoughts were so sweet and innocent! He is nothing like Amp, who's selfish, self absorbed, and a bitch! Awww I want him so badly! I definitely wouldn't mind having him as a pet! But then again, mom is allergic... Hmm I guess that wouldn't work out for us then.

(Saiko's POV)

Saiki stared at the little creature for a while in awe but then finally snapped back to reality.
"Hey, you back in reality yet?" I asked jokingly. Saiki blushed a little and looked away. He nods a little and puts his eyes back onto the cat.
"Do you want to keep him Saiki?" I asked him curious if he liked cats or not.
"Umm.. Actually, my mom is allergic to cats, we can't really have one unless she takes medicine everyday." Saiki explained. Ah, I see. I bet he really likes animals and he just can't have them because of his mom's allergies. Don't worry Saiki! I'll me it so you can see this cat everyday!
I decided to bring Saiki to a five star cafe to get some lunch then go to the movies. Now, some people may say that this is bribing him with money, but its not. Many people bring their dates to a cafe right? I'm doing nothing different besides it being higher quality than the one with plebes.
We arrived at the cafe and got out. This place was one of my favorite cafes, but it could never compete with my chef's cooking. Its still a nice place to go to.
We walked into the cafe and we were showed to our seats. We sat down and looked at the menu. Saiki looked up at me in a way that screamed 'seriously? Why did you bring us here, it costs way to much to NOT be bribing me.' Good thing I have a good reason.
"Don't worry, its just taking you to a cafe, everyone does it. Mine is just a little better quality." I explained to him.
"Saiko, this totally counts as bribing me. Almost everything on the menu is $3,000 or more." He protested. I thought for a moment about what I should say. I didn't really have any other reason to bring him here instead of poor people places.
"Don't worry, I won't take you somewhere THAT expensive next." He didn't sound convinced.
"That's what you said when we agreed to a date." He brought up. Its true that I did say that but... How am I supposed to know what is expensive and what isn't? I'm at a loss right now. Saving money isn't my strong suit at all.
Saiki decided to let it go after some convincing and we went and ordered our food. The food was here within a few minutes (what are fancy places like? Do they have fast service? Idk shit, sorry.) We ate and chatted somewhat, then I thought of an idea to allow Saiki to see the cat more often.
"Hey Saiki, how about I bring that cat to school everyday so you can see it?" I asked. He thought for a while then nodded his head yes. Great! I'll bring that cat to school everyday just for Saiki!
We finished eating and started heading towards the movie theater. I decided to rent the place since I don't want anybody interrupting the movie with talking or laughing. That's one thing I HATE about movie theater.

(Saiki's POV)

Saiko was bringing us to a really expensive movie theater, and he even rented it out for the whole running time of the movie. He really does not have any clue on how to save money.
I also decided to use my likability meter (I forgot what it's called :( ) on Saiko to see how much he really liked me. It turns out it was 80,000... He broke the meter... He really does love me a lot. Its kind of weird since he only saw me on the street then fell in love with me. Love sure is weird, I guess.

($aiko's POV)

We arrived at the movie theater and then went in. We grabbed snacks and drinks and chose what seat we wanted.

~im gonna do a huge time leap, sorry. Nothing interesting happened at the movies~

We went back to Saiki's house after a long day of hanging out with each other. At the movies I made a ton of moves and Saiki didn't seem to mind. Is he perhaps falling for me?! Please say he is!
"Thanks Saiko, this was fun." He thanked me.
"It was no problem! I hope we can do something together soon." I said. I really want him too like me right now, if he did, I would totally kiss him!
"I like you, Saiko. Your pretty nice. I'll go out with you if you really want me to." Saiki confessed. YESSSSS HE LIKES ME BACK!
"REALLY? Then let's go on a date next weekend, as boyfriends this time!" I said excitedly. Saiki nodded to my squeal and he suddenly walked over to me and kissed me on the lips. I felt my eyes widen suddenly to his actions. HE'S KISSING ME! WHAT DO I DO IN THIS SITUATION?!
I sunk into the kiss and I slipped my tongue into his mouth. I'm so glad my limo's windows are darkened so my butler probably can't see what I am doing. Our tongues twisted around each other and I explored his mouth. He's a really good kisser.
We separates our mouths after 2 minutes of making o and panted.
"See you, Saiko." Saiki said and walked into his house. I felt my face heat up at what we just did and kept panting to catch my breath. After I finally cooled down I went into my limo and drove off. Date is a success!

Money Can't Buy Saiki (Saiko x Saiki) (Rewritten Version is Out)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora