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       I remember it just like it was yesterday. Maybe it was yesterday. Or the day before or the day before that, well maybe it was the day after the day after that. It didn't matter what day it was. All that mattered was that I remembered.

            I don't know what it was that I remembered but I did. Whether if "it" was a memory, a thing, a place, or a person. It held a great significance that I would nor could ever forget. Some things are unforgettable.

          Some things are irreplaceable, while some things are replaced. Now the words I'm saying may sound weird, may sound crazy, a little off, but regardless of how things sound we still have the sense of hearing and seeing things.

         We still have the sense of thinking. Thinking, thinking, thinking, if your a "It" like me then you probably think a lot. I think a lot, but don't we all?
Some of us think of the world, society, existence etc.
But what really happens when we think?

          When we think, we grow, we observe, we learn, we contemplate, we progress, we understand, we try to solve, we achieve, we wonder etc.

         Thinking is the mental process in which beings form psychological associations and models of the world. Thinking is manipulating information, as when we form concepts, engage in problem solving, reason and make decisions. Thought, the act of thinking, produces thoughts.
         Thinking can help us, thinking can danger us, thinking can inspire, while also leaving some of us uninspired. It's crazy just thinking about thinking honestly. I'm an "It" that overthinks. I not only overthink but I overthink a lot.

           Overthinking things carefully for a long time is what I do. Consideration. My good friends consideration and contemplation and we can't forgot rumination. They play a big role in my lifestyle. They are my life. Life. What is life?

            Life is something beyond words. Life is a word with meaning deeper than its own and what it stands for. Life means so many things it can never just have one meaning.

           Life is different for everyone. Therefore it has different meaning to everyone. I wonder what life means to you, you wonder what life means to me.
Well consideration plays a big role in my life.

           Thinking is what tortured me, contemplation is what hurt me, rumination is what burdened me, however life is what threatened me, Consideration is what killed me. I'm dead, I'm gone, maybe I never existed in the first place.

             Thinking about it, who am I, what do I do, what is my name, how do I look, how do I talk, how do I dress, do you like me, what do I love, what do I hate, what am I thinking. This is what I'm thinking.

          I'm thinking about how I died, when I died, where I died, and who was around when I died, or was I alone?. Things like these I can never forget so let me tell you how it all started. How it all killed me. How I died so mercilessly.

In the loving memory of "it".
May "it" Rest In Peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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