Chapter 5- trip and kiss

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Edward quickly drove to The headquarters of Knight Enterprises, not forgetting to inform Kevin to find out everything about Day light cosmetics ranging from budgets, incomes,loans, profits, debts etc.

As he walked in, everyone stared at him in awe, girls were swooning but it ain't their fault as the great Edward Knight was drool worthy,

"Excuse me, where can I find Dad, I mean Mr Martin Knights." he asked the receptionist

"Oh!Mr. Edward, What a pleasant surprise!!"she exclaimed,"Mr. Knight is in his meeting room with some important clients, Is it urgent? I can call his secretary to inform him."

"It's not that important, I'd be in his cabin, do tell him about my presence." he said and walked towards the lift pressing the 40th floor leading to The CEO's cabin.

After 30 mins, Martin showed up with a pleasantly surprised look,

"Hi Dad"
"Get to the point son, What do you want now?" Martin asked with a knowing scrowl,

Edward scoffed ,"How do you know it?"

Martin sighed," you never bother to meet your handsome, loving, great and supportive father unless you want something" he said being  narcissistic. Edward smiled sheepishly and winked at his direction.

"Dad I need you to arrange a week trip for the top 10 students of Honors Academy to our private island where our newly established powerplant is located." he said more like ordered

Martin raised his eyebrows clearly not understanding what his geniously stupid son is babling.

"Any reason??I mean I seriously don't need any college kids-"

"Dad !! It will benefit us for sure, I ask you only for the top 10 toppers. During this orientation program we can extract fresh ideas from the students and it will also be good for our public image which will help us in getting more clients especially from those social activists co. I'm also doing this for someone special." He whispered the last part to himself.

Martin looked thoughtful for a minute ," Okay I think it will be good." he said softly  and pressed the intercom informing his P.A to come in.

"Yes Sir, Any problem??" Charlie asked as he stepped in.

Charlie has been Martin's P.A ever since. He is in his mid 40s and is doing great in his job.

"Charlie, call Mr.John, the principle of honors academy and inform him that we would be sending some special students to experience a lifetime worth trip to our P.P island as a part of educational orientation program."he ordered. Edward smiled and hug his Dad.

"I love you Dad, and I'd always owe you one." he whisper in his ears.


At Honours Academy,

The classroom was in Chaos, there were the nerds busy trying to find out who won the Civil War, the trouble makers pranking each other, the plastic dolls posing for pics, the sleepy heads snoring with bubbles, the populars bragging about themselves and the hyperactives doing God knows what.

"Students, I order all the top 10 toppers of all the batches to report to my office this instant" Mr. John's voice could be heard through the intercom, silencing the class for a milliseconds followed by unnecessary loud gossips,
Curious cats duh!?!?

"Sia Swan,
Diana Browns,
Choi Raesoo,
Henry Green,
Benjamin Wales,
Jason Chen,
Mercy Whittaker,
Raj Singh,
Yamamoto Ashahi,
Thomas Brows.

You are requested to show up in the office right now."  The mike announced.

Sia quickly made her way out with Mercy, a blonde cute nerd who has the same class with her.

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