Chapter 1

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I walked on the sidewalk swiftly, hands tucked into the pockets of my jacket, my earbuds shoved into my ears as far as they could be, and my eyes wondered around the place. I studied everyone as some would glance at me and then turn away. I chuckled internally, they acted as if looking at me would give them some sort of deadly disease known as 'The Alex Disease.'

When I moved here when I was 7, the second grade I think, I was shy so I never talked to much of anyone. But as I grew I got 'anger issues'. Which it wasn't really an issue, and it wasn't just random anger. I would call out rude and cocky teachers, tell fellow students they were assholes, and when someone tried to hurt me, I was ice cold. I never felt emotional pain from anyone.

I remember this one time when this kid named Lance pushed me up against a locker for telling his best friend Jacob to eat a dick. We had a circle of kids standing around us chanting violent things. He took a punch and bruised my cheek bone and split my lip when he let go, leaving me to face plant the tile floor. But nonetheless I got up and threw punches back at him, I didn't feel the pain he was trying to inflict onto me, I never felt pain. I was basically doused in ice, I was numb.

And that is how I got the reputation of a careless and heartless asshole. No one will glance at me in fear I would punch them or insult them. I have my reasons, I don't insult you unless you deserve it, okay?

But I liked my reputation. No one bothered to bully me, no one made fun of me. I went threw high school years untouched. So it doesn't bother me that I have like no one.

I walked into the music store with an internal smile. Being around so many records, CDs, musical instruments, it all made me happy. Music is the only thing that brought me happiness. Everything else only gave me small shreds of happiness or excitement.

"Hey Kenny!" I greeted the regular time shop worker, and probably my only friend.

Kenny was in his mid-to late twenties, he had blonde hair, a lip ring, and a few tattoos on both of his arms.

"Hey Alex, we got some new CD's shipped in, man. They're back there." He pointed to the new and huge stack of Vinyls and Cd's.

"Awesome!" I quickly walked over to study the pile of Cd's first.

I had just picked up a New Found Glory Cd when the shop bell that was at the top of the door rang. I glanced behind me just to see some unfamiliar blonde haired kid with freckles. I went back to studying the pile of CD's and then moved onto the Vinyls. I decided on getting the New Found Glory Cd and and a Dookie by Green Day vinyl.

"This all you want?" Kenny asked as he rang up the items.

"Yeah, just for today. I'll be back tomorrow probably." I shrugged and got my wallet from my pockets. I handed him a $20.00 and told him to keep the change, I didn't need the extra $5.00 anyways.

As I was leaving the shop I quickly glanced up at the sky. It was grey and cloudy. I sighed and just kept walking.

The thing about my reputation is that people think I'll 'bully' them if they notice me. I'm no bully, I just point out the assholes who don't get the negative credit of being an asshole.

For instance, Billy Markman and his buddy Joey Noel were tripping kids in the hallway, being complete and utter douchebags, so I pointed it out. I looked straight at them and said "You guys should really stop being outrageous pricks. Y'all on a withdrawal because ya haven't sucked any dick this week?" I got punched in the face, but I punched back.

It's not like I 'use my powers for evil,' I definitely think that I can be sort-of an optimistic person. Though, I never share optimistic thoughts out loud.

Like I said- everyone leaves me alone. No one pays me a second glance or thought. It's as if I never existed, and I guess in some ways I liked it like that. Being alone gives me the closure and comfort I needed I guess.

I arrived home, and I was right, it started to rain. The rain started out lightly and then grew into this rapid and crazy storm with tons of wind.

I watched the rain soak everything in its wake from my bedroom window. It was a hobby of mine. I loved the rain, its sound, its look, its feel. I just simply loved rain itself.

"Alex," my mom said from my doorway.

"Yeah?" I answered without looking at her. My eyes were fixed and glued to watching the rain by my window.

"I just got a call from your principal. Alex, dear, this behavior has got to stop. Look at yourself, you're practically antisocial."

I've heard the lecture multiple times and I honestly wasn't listening to the current lecture going on. I didn't care, I wanted to remain the same. "Go away...Please." I said to my mom in a flattened tone. I heard her sigh as she retreated back to the living room. 

My thoughts were a mess and they were all over the place, I guess it would be nice to have friends. But let's face that, no one wants to be friends with the guy with a shitty attitude his brutally honest. Everyone cowered away from me, and it inflated my ego most of the time. 

I smirked to myself as I turned up my radio, Time Of Your Life played throughout my room and the moment was perfect as I sat on my bed watching the downpour outside. "I fucking hate society." I said to myself, feeling a strange sense of adrenaline. 

The principal had called my mom earlier because I witness a teacher harassing some kid today. My instincts kicked in and I told the teacher to go get laid and stop being such an inconsiderate bastard to a poor kid who didn't do their homework because they spent the night in the fucking hospital with a broken arm. Of course the teacher didn't like that and wrote me up for it and the kid didn't even acknowledge me, she sort of nodded to me and walked away without a word said. She was pretty cute, but I wasn't about to waste my time chasing after some wimpy girl. No one in the fucking school dares to speak to me anyway. For some reason everyone has me under the category of a heartbreaker and prick. It's funny, really, because I never even dated anyone before to break a heart. 

Just Because. (Jalex)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang