A smile...

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He looked at me brushing my hair over my air and leaned in closer to my face. He gently kissed my cheek. He looked me in the eyes, his eyes sparkled. "let me help you". He looked serious.

I smiled. "ok Romeo I guess, but what about Lucinda".

"Lucinda? I don't even like her she just won't leave me alone. I'll talk to her"

I smiled that was the first time in a long time that I've smiled.  He turned his head and watched the movie. I turned my head towards the screen. 

***Matt's P.O.V***

I quickly glanced at Kate, She was asleep. I could put her in my room so she could sleep peacefully. I gently got off the couch leaning her head on the cushion. I held my arms out picking her up leaning her head on my chest.  I walked up the stairs but slowly so I wouldn't wake. I finally got to my room, opening the door with my foot. I set her on my bed putting her head on my pillow. I looked at her smiling. I don't know what to do, she deserves so much better than what she has right now. I can't imagine what she's going thru. At least she's away from him for now. I went downstairs opening the fridge maybe I could surprise her with a well-cooked meal, besides my parents won't be home until late tonight. I never see them anymore.

I put the pot on the stove I was thinking about making enchiladas. 

When they were done I set up the table and set the food their with my parent's wine glass pouring fruit punch in it. I pulled out both chairs so that when she came she didn't have it herself.

I sat in the chair on my phone as I heard the stair creak. she was awake. She smiled and went over to the chair to sit down.  "what's all this?"

"I just thought you might be hungry"

"you're right I am"

She sat down and smiled. She took a bite, I was sorta nervous was it good. She smiled even bigger, "wow, wow, wow. this is so good". I was happy that he said that.

"thanks, only the best". 

We finished eating and sat down on the couch. My parents were going to be home in less than an hour and I have to come up with a story of why kate's here. She layed in my shoulder. 

I heard a car pull up in the driveway, great it was my parents. I closed my eyes praying that when they walked in they wouldn't see me. They went inside and walked upstairs. "oh and matt, is your girlfriend staying over".

 I blushed, "girlfriend she's not my girlfriend". My mom giggled and they both went into their room. 

Kate rubbed her eyes "what was that all about". She sat up on the couch, "I can leave if you want, I don't want to cause any trouble"

"trouble? your not causing any trouble. you can sleep in my bed and ill sleep on the couch".

"no, I don't want you to do that."

"Please, I insist".

"ok, but just this once".

She got up and went to my room. I layed on the couch. My parents won't let her stay for more than a day, where is she going to go after? I can't let her go back to her brother's.

Author note:

Is Kate going to go back home or are her and Matt going to figure something out? find out next on "alone..." 

The next episode will be returning to Kates P.O.V. I hope you enjoyed and catch you in the next one.

P.S should I do more of other character's P.O.V? Tell me in the comments.

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