tag 19...i think?idk, dont feel like counting.

4 2 3

I have been tagged by the great Supergirl406, here we go.

1. Sexuality
(Has been edited out for reasons... (May8, 2019))

2. Gender
I am Iron man.... Meaning I'm female

3. Happy?
Stressed more like.

4. Last song?
Go to hell, for heavens sake   by BMTH (I'll put the song at the top.) (As soon as I finished typing this history maker came on... Such a switch in genre and mood)

5. Hair color
Blonde? Red? Strawberry blonde? Depends on who you ask.

6. Zodiac
Cancer! (Something morbidly ironic, my grandmother, she was a cancer, and she was actually killed... By a giant crab)

7. Last person you kissed
My mom on the cheek

8. Fav color
Black like my soul

9. Fav food
Oh jeez, macaroni cheese pizza, Ferrero Rocher chocolates, corn nuggets, and so much more, I can't pick just one!

10. Battery%
82 and going up

11. Celebrity crush
Don't really have one, but if I absolutely had to choose, hands down it'd be Tom Holland.

12. Fav vegetable
Broccoli and cauliflower

13. Eyecolor

14. Shoe size
Depends on the type, usually like a 9 or a 9 1/2 in women's, but I also buy men's shoes too.

15. Dream job

Tagging... 20 people? I never actually tag the amount I'm supposed to I don't think... Uh well


Eh, good enough. You don't have to do the tag if you dont wanna.

(Putting an empty version cause the pic is a little blurry)

1. Sexuality
2. Gender
3. Happy?
4. Last song?
5. Hair color
6. Zodiac
7. Last person you kissed
8. Fav color
9. Fav food
10. Battery%
11. Celebrity crush
12. Fav vegetable
13. Eyecolor
14. Shoe size
15. Dream job


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