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Got tagged by Supergirl406. This is gonna be kinda rushed cause I'm in the middle of a really good story but I wanted to do this real quick so here we go.

1. Panromantic something sexual. Demi? Ace? Who knows

2. Eh, questioning. Anatomically female though.

3. I guess?

4. OK by 8 Graves.

5. Blonde/red, somewhere in there.

6. Cancer (my grandmother was a cancer, and she was actually killed by a giant crab)

7. My dad on the cheek.

8. Black ig

9. Mac and cheese pizza, but I love food in general so.

10. 86%

11. Don't really have one, but if I have to choose... Holland...

12. Broccoli

13. Hazel

14. 9-9 1/2

15. Counselor/clinical psychologist

Now onto the tagging


That's only 7,but I'm lazy. If you don't wanna do it you don't have too, you can just ignore this. Have a nice day.

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