five ; ಠ_ಠ

100 4 3

"I'm finished." Changbin wipes off the last of the mosquito blood ink and peels off his black latex gloves. "Can I see it?" Changbin blushes.

Felix slowly turns his blocky Roblox avatar toward his arms. There printed in italic typography, it read:

"I love you."

Felix's eyes grow wide before he looks around panting. "You... love me?"

"Uh... I'm sorry. It- uh- I- it was for aesthetics."

Felix feels his heart ache a bit, but he reluctantly plays along. "Hah! Oh my god, I thought you were really into me for a second."

Felix doesn't hear Changbin sigh and mutter, "Yeah, I did too." but he does. He sniffles back a cry and smiles. His throat is dry and flabby. He doesn't want to speak.

"Hey... you can look at the webcam to go check if Jisung has nutted yet."

"Yeah.. I'll do that." Felix stands up leaving Changbin all alone.

seo short | Changlix ROBLOX! AUWhere stories live. Discover now