That Night

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I will never forget about it. Even if you bring me the most delicious food in the world, it ain't gonna make me forget about what happened before. Jungkook just made that time period in my life even worse.


It was my eighth birthday. I loved anything yellow and lemon flavored when I was 7-8 years old. My parents bought me a red velvet cake for my birthday. I only like red velvet ice cream cake back then (see what I did there) and I was just too picky. I needed a lemon cake. I ordered my mom to go buy me a lemon cake and return the red velvet cake back to where she got it from. She listened to me. I regret asking her cause a few minutes later, a call came. " Hello? Um, I'm gonna say this once, there has been an accident with Y/M/N? I suppose that is her name? " It was good I picked up the dads phone. Cause then I would be able to kill myself. That's right. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have asked her to go. Cause now I want to go, go out of this world.

I told my dad and Sunmi about this. Dad then took the phone and continued talking with the man. Our dad then left to go to the place where the guy had said to meet for mom. Sunmi and I cried all night non-stop. But as I mentioned to go out of this world, I told Sunmi I needed to go to the bathroom. I quickly went downstairs to the kitchen to get a blade first. I then went to the bathroom. Sunmi noticed I went downstairs and asked me if I was okay in the bathroom. 

" Are you okay in there!? " Sunmi asked for the 10th time. I still didn't respond. I was too busy cutting my wrist. I didn't deserve to be in this world. I killed mom. I can't. I just can't stay in this stupid world anymore. Sunmi, on the other hand, knew better. She used a spare key to unlock the bathroom door as she knows where the spare keys are unlike me. She saw me. 

" What do you think you're doing!? " I was sobbing too much to speak properly. " I c-can't anymore t-this w-w-world i-is t-too c-cruel..." At this point, Sunmi hugged me. She took the blade from my hands and threw it away in the trash can. She washed my wrist and brought a bandage for me for my wrist. We then cried together all night. Dad never came. We don't even know what happened to both of them ever since and it was all my fault. Jungkook just made it worse though after this day....

Flashback ended

I started crying. Lisa didn't even know why. She stood there with a confused and worried expression on her face. 

" You okay!? " I shook my head no. I couldn't bear the pain in me. At least Jungkook wasn't in our class to see me cry my eyes out. 

" What happened... " she said with a sad expression on her face. We're closer than best friends. We literally call each other infinity friends and that is because we will always be best friends in infinity. The teacher Mr. Ahn told me to go to the office if I can't control my tears. 

" Go to the office Miss Y/L/N. Go with Jimin if you don't wanna go alone "

" Thank y-you, " Jimin held his arms out for a hug since we are really close. (pretend he's in class and not outside)

 (pretend he's in class and not outside)

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I slightly smiled and went to hug him. We then went to the office so I could cool down but on the way to the office.......


Hello mochi's! * devilish laughter * I love playing mind tricks on you readers. The mind tricks might even get worse! Who knows *smirks*.

Anywayyy, sorry if most of the story was a flashback. But I hope you still enjoyed it! I know my chapters are really short so I just wanna say sorry. Next chapter coming out soon!

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