Study Buddy

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The both of you were currently on spring break, however, while your roommates went home, you decided to stay at campus to study for the TEAS exam and your boyfriend Erik is staying with you since he doesn't have any family outside of you. Since this test was one of the only things, besides your grades, that was standing between you and the nursing program, you made it very clear that there couldn't be much fooling around as you were taking the test in two weeks time.

The two of you were sitting on your couch in your campus apartment. Your books and notes litters on the coffee table. There was a highlighter between your teeth and a pen between your index and middle fingers. You were deeply engrossed in your notes focusing on the science section in particular seeing as it was the most important section of the exam.

You could feel Erik staring a hole in the back of your neck, so you sit up and squint your eyes at him.

"I thought you were gonna help me study."

"You tryna be in them books, I'm tryna be in them guts. It's been a minute since I seen you baby girl, I miss you." Erik proceeds to start kissing your neck and while you missed him too, God knows you did, you couldn't be distracted at the moment. You shrug him off of you and mush his face trying to push him to the other side of the couch not caring about the fact that he was so fucking bulky he didn't budge, he snorts at your effort.

"Daka you know this test is important," You whine. "I can't be fucking around I need at least an 85% on this thing."

He sighs, knowing you were right and not willing to come between you and your education. He had faith that you would pass considering you excelled in your prerequisite courses. You were ever the over achiever, willing to succeed by any means necessary. He could recall not being able see or talk to you for days, when you were in high school and throughout your time in college because you had to study for exams or complete projects and papers. Hell, if it weren't Spring Break this would undoubtedly be one of those times. Trust and believe he was the same way, but for the week he just wanted to lay up under his girl.

"Aight, how about this, every time you get an answer right, I'll kiss you wherever you want." The proposition, as corny and cliché as it was, piqued your interest. As fly as Erik was, he's had his fair share of being a cornball sometimes.

"Is this to help me or to help you?" You ask.

"I'm helping the both of us get what we need, princess." Surely you weren't gonna pass up on his offer. You think why the hell not.

"Ard, quiz me."

Excited, he grabs one of the study books and tells you that they'll do science questions since that's what you've been focusing on for that particular day, then flips the pages to the back of the book where the practice questions were. He looks over the question before raising his head to meet my eyes. His gaze makes you squirm.

"First question: What crystalline solid contains ionic bonds with the least covalent character?"

You scrunch your face up. "So, you just gon come out the gate with the hard questions? You know I hate chemistry."

"Ion give a fuck, you answering the question. Tic toc lil nigga." You kiss your teeth and think hard. Chemistry was never your strong suit. In all honesty you still don't know how you managed to pull a 'B'. Must've been by the grace of God. Finally, you just give up and guess.

"I don't know, Sodium?"

There was a pause for about five seconds before he lets out this obnoxious buzzing noise scaring the living shit out of you.

"DAMN NIGGA! Did you have to be so fucking loud?!"

"Did you have to be so wrong?"

"Don't make me smack you Erik."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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